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  下面这些句子全部来自于雅思高分作文(7分水平以上),看看下面这些句子你的表达和这里提供的model answer是否一致,如果基本一致的话,恭喜你!说明你的雅思写作水平已经达到7分的水准啦!
  1. 一个人的实际能力才是企业所真正看重的。
  It is one's practical capabilitythat enterprises truly value.
  2. 我认为我们发明一种新的语言来取代英语是没有必要的.
  I don't think it necessary to invent a new kind of language to take the place of English.
  (这句话有太多的同学用"instead of"来表示“取代”的意思,再次强调,instead of是介词词组,表示"......而不是......"的意思。)
  3. 然而,关于它是一件好事还是坏事,人们有不同的态度。
  People, nevertheless, hold various opinions in terms of the issuewhether it is a blessing or a curse.
  (这句话有很多人用"good thing"和"bad thing"表示“好事”和“坏事”,在书面语中推荐用blessing和curse,绝对的less common vocabulary!)
  4. 很多国家的失业率在不断攀升这一事实是我们无法否认的。
  The fact that the unemployment rates in quite a number of countries keep rising can not be denied.
  5. 在给出我的观点之前,我认为看一看问题的两面是很重要的。
  I hold it essential to examine the both sides of the issue before presenting my viewpoint.
  (这句话有几个重点:首先表示“看一看”不宜用"look at",那是“盯着...看”的意思,examine是“仔细审视”的意思,用在这里正合适。“问题”在这里应该用issue而不是problem,因为 problem相当于trouble,一定是负面的。Issue表示“有争议的问题”,大家记住,雅思作文里讨论的话题绝大多数都属于issue。此外,present属于less common vocabulary,是“give”的升级版。)
  6. 不同的人们对于全球化是否有利于经济的发展这个问题持有不同的看法.
  Different people hold various viewpoints as to the issue whether globalization is beneficialto the economic development.
  7. 令人感到遗憾的是大多数人所在乎的仅仅就只是他们怎么样才能更多地赚到钱。
  It is a pity that all the majority of people care about is how they could be paid more.
  8. 随着越来越多的妇女参与全职工作,由谁来照顾孩子已经成为了社会上的一个问题。
  With increasing number of women taking part in full-time jobs, who should take care of children has become a social issue.
  (注意with引导的成分名词后面必须跟动词的ing形式,很多同学这一题一上来就写"With more and more women take part in full-time job"是错误的。)
  1. (Letter) 我们这次还是约在上次一起吃晚饭的餐厅见面吧!
  Let’s meet at the restaurant where we had dinner together last time!
  2. ( 写作) 环境保护是一个如今为人们广为讨论的一个话题。
  The environmental protectionis a topic (which is) widely discussed by people nowadays.
  3. ( 写作) 我们必须承认,那些反对此观点的人们也有一定的道理。
  Admittedly, those who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certain extent.
  4. ( 写作) 人们往往会和观念与自己相近的人交朋友。
  People tend to make friends with those people whose viewpointsare similar to their own.
  People tend to make friends with those who share similar viewpoints to their own.
  5. ( 写作) 手提电脑如今如此普及的一个重要原因就是它的使用方便。
  A major reason why lap-tops are so popular nowadays is that it is easy to use.
  6.( 口语) 我计划于2010年回国,到那时候我将年满30岁。
  I am planning to come back in 2010, by which time (when) I will be 30.
  7. ( 口语) 《荷马史诗》是一本很精彩的书,我从中学到了很多。
  Homer Epic is a wonderful book, from which I have learned a lot.
  8. ( 口语) 最激动人心的一次旅行经历是在巴厘岛,在那里我有生以来第一次体验了潜水。
  The most exciting traveling experience for me is the one in Bali, where I experienced diving for the first time in my life.
  9. ( 口语) 我父母一共生了三个孩子,我是其中最大的。
  My parents have three children, among whom I am the eldest.
  10. ( 口语) David和我住在一个寝室已经两年了,他是一个非常搞笑的家伙。
  David, with whom I have been sharing a dormfor 2 years, is quite a funny guy.
  David, who is quite a funny guy, has been sharing a dorm with me for 2 years.