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雅思写作词汇 媒体类


  53. provide somebody with something给…提供…
  54. follow the fashion blindly盲目追逐时尚
  55. commit crimes犯罪来源:和谐英语
  56. be inconceivable to somebody对…来说是难以想象的
  57. impressive给人印象深刻的
  58. right to know知情权
  59. in the disguise of …打着…的幌子
  60. endanger social stability and safety危害社会稳定和安全
  61information era信息时代
  61. keep one informed about something使人们了解…
  62. audience/viewers观众
  63. have unhealthy and harmful effects on…对…有不良影响
  64. information-explosion society信息爆炸的社会
  65. influential有影响的
  66. revolutionize the way we acquire information彻底改变了我们获取信息的方式
  67. blessing福
  68. curse祸
  69. various thrilling programs各种各样激动人心的节目
  70. poor-quality programs低质量节目
  71. ever-accelerated不断发展的
  72. exaggerate夸张
  73. enjoyable令人享受的
  74. fashionable时尚的
  75. electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射
  76. psychological illnesses心理疾病
  77. isolated孤僻的
  78. unimaginative缺乏想象力的
  79. unsociable不好社交的
  80. deprive somebody of one’s imagination and creativity使…丧失了想象力和创造力
  81. jeopardize one’s health危害健康
  82. be exposed to…了解到…接触到…
  83. find its way into every family进入千家万户
  84. global village地球村
  85. be indulged in…沉溺于…
  86. be addicted to …对…上瘾
  87. be fascinated by …被…所吸引
  88. be dependent on …依赖…
  89. second-hand information二手信息
  90. go astray误入歧途
  91. embark on the criminal road走上犯罪道路
  92. irresistible无法抵制的
  93. hallmark标志
  94. create topics of discussion制造交谈话题
  95. critical thinking批判性思维
  96. powerful means of communication有力的交流工具
  97. main cause主因
  98. tempting有诱惑力的
  99. reliable可靠的
  100.family attachment家庭归属感
  101.mutual understanding相互了解
  102.alienation of affection感情疏远
  103.be sick of …对…厌倦
  104.generation gap代沟
  105.exchanges of feelings感情交流
  106.emotional bond感情纽带
  107.strengthen family ties加强家庭纽带关系
  108.be detached from reality与现实隔绝
  109.distinguish right from wrong明辨是非