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  Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Other think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  第一段:越来越多的人开始讨论博物馆的功能,有人认为博物馆是有娱乐功能的,另外一些人认为只是教育功能。我认为both sides hold water
  (1)历史博物馆:通过展示所搜集的有历史价值的物品让观众了解历史(displaying the items which are of historical value will enable the audience to know the past. History museums cover the knowledge of history and its relevance to the present and future.)后面讲解了解历史的对于我们今天行为的意义(本处可以引用老题:历史的价值)
  (2)科学博物馆围绕着科学成就和科学历史展开。有些博物馆是关于计算机,航空,铁路,物理学,天文学,以及动物王国,通过参观博物馆,观众能够开拓视野:Science museums and technology centers revolve around scientific achievements, and marvels and their history. Some museums may have exhibits on topics such as computers, aviation, railway, physics, astronomy, and the animal kingdom.Through visiting the museums ,the viewers’ horizons can be broadened.
  (3)军事博物馆,可以让观众珍惜和平,激发爱国热情:Military museums specialize in military histories; they are often organized from a national point of view, where a museum in a particular country will have displays organized around conflicts in which that country has taken part. They typically include displays of weapons and other military equipment, uniforms, wartime propaganda and exhibits on civilian life during wartime, and decorations, among others.
  Through these measures ,the viewers may cherish the peace and love their motherland
  第三段:有些博物馆寓教于乐teach through lively activities,如:一些历史博物馆通过声光电一系列的手段,加强观众对于历史的体验。在一个模拟考古区内用指定的工具进行一系列考古发掘,并将相应的发掘物免费赠送给游客。在编钟(Chime-bells )展位附近,观众能够听到编钟演奏,这就是典型的情景互动(interactive)。