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  二 被动句式的使用
  Someone murdered the millionaire last night.→
  The millionaire was murdered last night.
  2. 主语是泛指很多人或者大部分人
  To improve the air quality, we should reduce the use of private cars. →
  To improve the air quality, the use of private cars should be reduced.
  Most people think that we can get a large share of benefit in the sales campaign.→
  It is widely believed that we can get a large share of benefit in the sales campaign.
  It is important for nations all over the world to join hands to control the software piracy. →
  It is important for nations all over the world to join hands to have the software piracy controlled.
  I don’t expect that she returned. → She is not expected to have returned.
  I am not sure whether the college graduates will find jobs in the financially difficult year. →
  I am not sure whether the college graduates will get employed in the financially difficult year.
  三 名词化
  Our monitor didn’t come today. He has got a flu.
  很明显这两个小句可以用因果关系的信号词连成一句:Because our monitor has a flu, he didn’t come today.,但这个because引导的原因状语从句以及其它的状语从句是考生们很常用的复合句,虽然看似比较复杂,其实仍然是某个人做主语。如果非谓语动词掌握得好,可能我们会想到用Having a flu, our monitor didn’t come today.如果我们把前后两部分分别用一个概括性的名词来替代,中间加上我们熟悉的表示因果关系的动词,这个句子就非常符合议论文的风格:The flu caused the absence of our monitor today.或者The absence of our monitor is because of his illness.至少我们可以尽量将其中的一个小句变成名词,减少某个人做主语的口语化句式的出现频率。
  虽然这种表达方法更为客观,句式上更加简洁,但是用比较抽象的概括性词汇来写句子对于越来越趋于低龄化的考生来说的确是个挑战。但是有一些单词是我们在写作中几乎必须要用到的,平时要备好以下几个常见的名词化:lack of(if there is no…), ignorance of (don’t know …), illiteracy in(can’t read…/ can’t use…), failure (didn’t do…)等。而且在具体的使用过程中可以结合介词with使用,使得句法更加凝练。此外个别单词也可以利用题目中的动词的名词性后缀如: -tion,-ment, -isation, -ness, -ity等或者变成动名词形式-ing。如:
  More younger generations celebrate the western festivals→the celebration of the western festivals by more younger generations
  四 个别表达
  如more and more/ a lot等口语化的短语尽量避免,可以用increasing(ly), a large number of…/a great deal of…./swarms of…等代替。此外缩略形式也是正式的写作中要避免的。