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  In this essay, I will outline the main reasons why crime is still a problem even in developed countries, and suggest some measures which might be taken to control it.
  In this essay, I will suggest some reasons why women still earn less than men and provide solutions.
  Crime: one of the biggest problems in the society of developed countries that is affecting good people every day. What causes crime? And how can it be reduced?和谐英语在线考试中心
  Statistics show that women still earn less than men, although they have a legal right to equal pay in many countries. In this essay I will suggest some reasons why this is the case and provide solutions.
  Even if the pay gap between women and men is getting smaller and smaller each year it is still an existing. There are several reasons behind this.
  It is true that money given to developing nations rarely seems to have any effect in the long term. In this essay, I will give some reasons why this happens, and suggest ways the situation can be improved.
  In this essay, I will give some reasons why the money given to developing countries rarely seems to have any effect and suggest ways the situation can be improved.
  1. 原因段
  In my opinion, most people commit crimes because they want something they cannot have. Advertising intensifies the desire for luxury goods and celebrity lifestyles, and although it is necessary to promote sales and improve the economy, it can encourage feelings of greed and jealousy. In addition to this, young people especially are vulnerable to peer pressure. For instance, they may be influenced by their friends to start taking drugs or stealing cars for fun.来源:和谐英语
  Otherwise-good people are sometimes unlucky and put in situations where they feel crime is the only option. I think that the most common cases are needing money. This could be to fuel drug habits, support a family or nothing except pure greed. Bad upbringing is often argued as a cause. For example, if a child sees parents or other adults using violence, they may be more likely to think it is acceptable to use violence as an answer to problems.
  As I see it, the main reason aid money is ineffective is corruption. In developing countries, civil servants, teachers and policemen are paid so little that they are unable to live on their salaries. For this reason, they are forced to take money for favors, and as a result, money goes missing before it can reach the people it is intended for. Consequently, the gap between rich and poor becomes wider, and so we see tyrants and dictators living in palaces while their people starve.
  2. 解决方案段
  It seems to me that poorer nations would benefit more from education and training 方案than financial aid. Professionals from all fields can donate some of their time to teaching local people new skills, 如何实施 and as a consequence, they will be able to teach others in turn. 方案的优点 As poverty is caused by ignorance, 为什么会有这个方案的提出so education is the key to prosperity. When financial donations are made, foreign governments need to ensure that there is a system which can account for their distribution如何实施 so that the money does not disappear. Thus, it is more likely to be used for the development of the country’s infrastructure, and in helping the poor and needy. 方案的优点
  I feel that there are three ways that crime can be reduced. Firstly, most developed countries have a large and well-paid police force. However, they spend most of the time in cars. 为什么会有这个方案的提出They need to be more visible on the street. Secondly, young people need to be educated about how they can contribute to society. Finally, parents should be more responsible. They have children, yet they do not control their behaviors. Consequently, the children grow up without learning the rules of society. 为什么会有这个方案的提出
  On the whole, I do not believe that we can ever rid our society of all crime, 回顾全文 but if the measures I have suggested here were taken, I am convinced that we would seen an improvement. 观点 What is more, none of these suggestions would be expensive to apply. 展望未来
  All in all, the problem of world poverty cannot be solved by money alone. 回顾全文 Nations need to work together on long-tem projects, sharing their knowledge and skills so that each person has something valuable to offer their community. 观点
  以上2个结尾段中,我们可以总结出几个句型结构:I (do not) believe that… (However) I am convinced that… It will continue to… 而对于一些社会类话题的总结,“but if the measures I have suggested here were taken, I am convinced that we would see an improvement.”这个句型值得参考。