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2011年7月30日雅思写作A类TASK 2原创范文


  Some people think that the government should ban all forms of dangerous sports; others believe that people should be free to make decisions for themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2011年7月30日A类)
  There is no doubt that sports activities have always been appealing to the public of all class in most societies, and each of them owns a wide range of fans, including those dangerous sports, which arouses a contentious debate with regard to whether the government should restrict all kinds of dangerous sports or encouraging the pubic to choose it based on their own interests.
  Those who are of the idea that all forms of sports should be prohibited may seriously be concerned about the possible consequences the dangerous sports might result in, such as injury and death. A convincing case in point is that even the professional athletes are likely to get injured if they involve in such activities as boxing and wrestling and this would probably negatively affect their ordinary life. But it seems difficult for the government to draw a clear line between the safe and dangerous sports. If they banned football and basketball, there would probably be a dispute between a significant number of fans and the government. This is largely because those sports gain tremendous popularity worldwide.
  On the contrary, many hold the view that people should be granted to choose whatever sports they favor, regardless of its danger. It appears reasonable for people to make their own decision for adults are rational enough to distinguish whether they are capable of participating in those sports so that they could avoid the detrimental consequences. Even if they are injured, they could be responsible for their own decision. However, when the youth are taken into account, more consideration tends to be needed since they are less likely to be as cautious as the adults. This means unexpected consequences of taking part in dangerous sports still exist.
  In conclusion, I tend to argue that adults could have the right to choose whatever sports they participate in seeing that they are mature enough to make a decision while apparently dangerous sports for children such as boxing and wrestling should be restricted, or otherwise they should be supervised to take part in.