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  根据能量守恒定律(Law of energy conservation),即“各种能量形式互相转换是有方向和条件限制的,能量相互转换时其量值不变,表明能量不能被创造或消灭”,人们在使用语言描述事物变化时,应尽可能避免语言过于绝对化,尤其是在使用第二语言进行正式的书面表述时,更应该注意该语言中非绝对化表达方式的学习,这样才能尽显文章内容的客观性。
  这是绝大多数中国考生在面对雅思写作TASK 2时所忽视的,大家可以对比如下两组句子:
  This tends to occur whenever there is a downturn in commodity prices.
  This occurs whenever there is a downturn in commodity prices.
  A child learning a foreign language at primary school causes confusion between their native language and the foreign one.
  A child learning a foreign language at primary school is likely to cause confusion between their native language and the foreign one.
  为解决该问题,笔者总结了一些表达委婉语气的用语和句式,考生可以尝试使用,如:may, might, would, could, largely, possibly, probably, be likely (unlikely) to, be inclined to, tend to, to a large (some) extent, there is a higher probability/possibility that…等。
  An increasing number of people are moving and living in big cities. Why is this case? Is it a positive or negative trend? (2010年1月23日 G类) 该题有两个问题,很多考生在作答时忽视了第一问,只回答第二问,抑或是把第一问和该现象积极的一面混为一谈,如:
  On the one hand, living in big cities brings about a considerable number of advantages, which is also why people move to big cities. Initially, it is undeniable that work conditions in big cities are usually better that those in countries and small cities. With more work opportunities and a higher level of salary, people in other places, especially the young, are inclined to move to big cities. Subsequently, not only does living in big cities offer people better work conditions, but also it affords dwellers with facilities of higher quality. These facilities, such as the premium hospitals and education resources, are extremely attractive to countryside people and those in small cities. (考生答卷)
  该现象产生的原因主要是考生没有正确地理解题目,如Some people think that foreign tourists abroad should be charged more than local people to visit a country’s cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2011年4月30日A类)
  字数不够,即在规定时间内(40分钟)没有达到文章字数要求(至少250单词)。字数不足250单词,文章最高将不会超过5.5分,这在《剑8》Test 2和《剑7》Test 4提供的考生答卷中均有体现。
  产生该问题的原因主要有:1. 观点数量少;2. 不知道观点如何展开;3. 写作速度太慢。那么,要在规定时间内满足字数要求,考生需要想出足够多的观点,学习如何展开观点,熟练运用复杂句并提高写作速度。接下来我们将分析如何满足以上要求: