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1. rang from5% to just over 10% / interestingly / present(v.展现,表现) / follow closely behind(用于表示相近数据) / make somewhat lesser contributions in (e.g. Russia and Germany are making ~ in steel production at 72 million and 47 million tons respectively. 表示占图中比重)/ the greatest proportion was recorded as happening at public displays in 1995,at 50%(at 对信息的附加说明) / remained relatively stable / as reflected in this graph / After the initial stage of …(与After…等价)/ Conversely / vice versa(adv.反之亦然) /

2.Not surprisingly, British adolescents are rated(vt.评估 vi.被评价) as the highest television viewers, spending 800 hours per annum, which is by far the cheapest and most accessible means of entertainment listed in this table.

3. Consistent with the data in the first pie chart, the entire body of the world's water sources is predominantly made up of fresh water with only a small quantity of salt water making up the remainder (用于第二段开头)

4. China, on the other hand, far outweighs the other two countries in its use of water for industry with 85% being the figure recorded. (with 的复合结构使用)

5. According to the graphic data, we can discern that land used for industry sectors is quite evenly spread in the…

6. Crops followed by farming occupy far more land for these two major industry areas

7. notwithstanding(尽管……还是) this trend,(用于转折)

8. If we look closer at the bar graph we can discern that the biggest producers of steel are located(表达现象产生于……) in north east Asia, with china producing 218 million tons followed by japan's124 million tons (with 复合结构,非谓语同时传递两个信息)[用于第二段开头]

9. Remarkably, however, the price shot (shoot) up to (高达) between four and five hundred dollars.

10. Since than it has been a losing battle to maintain the price of steel with figures slipping dramatically in 1993 to 270 dollars per ton, only to make regains(转折,与maintain 成分并列) in 1995 and in 2000.(对文中多个细节转折特征的概述)

11. China's two most prestigious(a.有名望的,有威信的) cities, Shanghai and Beijing(用插入语补充), have undergone(v.经受) rapid growth surge(vi./ n.蜂拥而出;猛增)in population according to the graphs.

12. hovered(vi.翱翔,盘旋;徘徊) around the five million mark with the number of shanghai's inhabitants slightly surpassing that of Beijing’s urban population standing at a staggering twenty nine million almost ten million more people than the number presently(ad.现在,目前) residing(与living 替换) in Shanghai.

13. Mumbai, one of India’s largest cities, was leading in the race for urban population in 1990 with almost ten million inhabitants. However, it has fallen behind the current leader, Beijing, with a population of twenty four million being recorded in 2004. (描述了不同时期的两幅图中同一事物的变化)

14. What is notable, however, is that the ratio of accidents occurring in the different places has shifted quite dramatically in some instances(n.实例,情况,场合)

15. If we compare the ratios between the four industrial sectors, founded in the four pie charts presented here, the eastern and southern charts show the most significant differences. (结尾终结

16. Less than half as many accidents involving fireworks, namely 20% (of accidents involving firework 被省略) resulted from family parties in 1990. (比较成分作状语)

17. Furthermore, the remaining 30% of fireworks were split equally between…and… (描述剩下部分被平均分的情况)

18. However, at around about the 1999-2000 mark things started to change somewhat. (说明此处为拐点)

19. Somewhat surprisingly however, the job of the journalist, dentist and pilot are also on the high end of the stress scale along with a prison officer.

20. All other industry sectors presented in the graph rose in varying degrees within the designated time frame presented here

21. The most significant increases/marked increases reach a monumental high of 65% at the turn of the century

22. If we take a closer look at the chart, we discern that (可用于开头或文中)

23. By far, the biggest source of energy used in New Zealand to generate power is hydro dams at 62%.

24. However, they did not rate highly as popular consumer items in Australia until the late 1990s and with the turn of the 21st century.

25. The number of cases recorded for committal for trail in the UK in 1996, 1998, 2002 far surpassed the number of any other cases

26. There was a steady increase in committal for trail cases reaching just over 120,000 in 2002 which was around 20,000 up (be up on 结构) on 1998 figures and 40000 more than that was recorded in 1996. (同时与1998 和1996 的数据作比较)

27. If we look at the number of …, we can see a steady growth in numbers within the six-year phase from around 10,000 to approximately 18,000

28. Most notably, according to the information in the graph, the growth in… has all but doubled in number from around 19,000 to nearly 38,000 in the same time period.