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雅思写作范文:Putting criminals into prison or education


  Putting criminals into prison is not effective in dealing the problem. Education and job training should be offered to them. Do you agree or disagree?
  How to punish the criminal is an issue of discussion when governments try to find an effective measure to control crime rate. Although many think that providing education and job training is better than jail. In my mind, sending criminals to prison is a wise decision.
  Opponents of jail claim that changing the criminals’ thought and teaching them a practical survival skill are effective ways to reform offenders. However, there is no research and data to prove this way availability. Despite the fact that most of criminals did not accept education or gained the low level education, much cases shows that those who had accepted the advanced education, even experts and teachers, still broken the law.
  Opponents also maintain that most of criminals commit a crime due to some certain situations they have to do or action on impulse, so public should provide a more lenient way by education. Nevertheless, such an argument completely ignores the fact that those who are committing a crime possibly consider that jail means training rather than severe punishment if offenders were educated as punishments. Those potential criminals and publics would likely disregard law.
  Indeed, some people say that the criminals maybe have a profession by job training in cell after released, and they maybe would not revert to crime for basic supporting. While if every criminal accept education and job training, it give rise to a large amount of money and teaching resources government have to pay.
  In my view, government should harshly punish criminals, which could deter to those have criminal tendency and give publics a sense of security. More importantly, as for victims, they can get a great spiritual consolation. The reason why government do not reform the law is to make sure the law rationality, fairness and effectiveness and consider this problem from different angles.