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  3.1 选择后者的人相信与拥有同样背景的人交流会更容易些也是实际的。

  The people preferring the latter hold the statement that communicating with the ones with similar background is much easier and practical.

  3.2 原因在于他们可能有共同的境遇,并会分享共同的感受。

  The main reasons may involve the recognition that they have common condition, probably sharing a feeling.

  3.3 但是,这样做就失去了移民的意义。

  But, to doing this loses the significance of emigration.

  3.4 在一个新的环境生活,人们应该尝试适应新的环境。

  In a new condition people should try to accept.

  3.5 否则,他们就应该呆在自己的国家,而不是移民了。

  Otherwise, they should stay home instead of living overseas.

  4.1 我始终认为新移民应该被鼓励去学习新的东西,因为这样有利于他们更好的在今后生活。

  My position is still that new immigrants should be encouraged to study new things, because it will be good for them to live much bette in the future.

  4.2 为了能够更轻松的学习,他们应该尽快采取行动利用传统课程或在线课程提高外语水平和培养交流能力。

  In order to study easily, instant action should be taken to improve language competence developing communication in regular classes and online curriculum.
