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  Nowadays, a increasing number of people concerned about the enhancement of public services. However, whether the government should allocate fund to public services other than waste money on arts is controversial issue. In my view, public service are vital to our life, but spending money on arts is definitely not just waste money.

  不看不知道,一看吓一跳!这短短3句话共53词的开头段里,密布着8处语法错误,这在雅思写作评分标准中的 “语法准确性”(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)一条上自然会大打折扣。



  1. 原文:Nowadays, a increasing number ofpeople...


  修改:Nowadays, an increasing number ofpeople...

  2. 原文:However, whether the government... on arts is controversial issue.


  修改:However, whether the government... on arts is a controversial issue.


  3. 原文:However, whether the government should allocate fund to public services ...


  修改:However,whether the government should allocate funds topublic services ...

  4. 原文:In my view, public service are vitalto our life, but...

  诊断:句子主语public service与谓语are不一致,主语是单数,而谓语是复数用法。此处public services泛指“公共服务”,应用复数。

  修改:In my view, public services are vitalto our life, but...


  5. 原文:Nowadays, [an] increasing number of people concernedabout the enhancement of public services.

  诊断:动词词组be concernedabout...表示“对……关注”。但这句话中使用时漏掉了be动词,导致整个句子语法错误。

  修改:Nowadays,[an] increasing number of people are concerned about the enhancement of public services.



  6. 原文:However, whether the government should allocate fund to publicservices other than waste...

  诊断:考生原本想用的应该是rather than,表示“而不是”,却错误地写成了形式类似的other than,表示“除了……之外”,整句话的意思就改变了。

  修改:However,whether the government should allocate fund to public services rather than waste...


  7. 原文:However, whether... to public services [rather] than waste money on arts is...


  修改:However,whether... to public services [rather] than wasting money on arts is...

  8. 原文:In my view... but spending money on arts is definitely not just waste money.


  修改:In myview... but spending money on arts is definitely not just wasting money.



  看完以上错误分析,是不是深刻体会到了“The devil is in the details”这句话的内涵?
