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  Today, we may not be surprised to see thatpeople are frequently changing their occupations (工作). Various reasonscontribute to such a development, but I believe that daily increasing lifestress is mainly responsible for this.

  People tend to seek for jobs with higherpay as a result of increasingly higher financial burden(压力). In manycountries around the world, house prices have surged to an astonishing(令人惊讶的) level, whichmakes it more difficult for people to make ends meet(收支平衡) andsupport their families. For example, in my hometown, people can no longerafford things they were able to purchase ten years ago with the same amount ofmoney. So it is easy to understand that people may not hesitate to change theirjobs when another organization offers a higher salary and better incentives.

  Moving from one job to another could makean individual more competitive in a range of different fields. Different organizationshave different cultures, strategies(策略) andchallenges, which may provide people with opportunities to acquire variousskills. For instance, when a successful businessperson becomes a collegeprofessor in economics, he may have more real-time experiences to share withhis students compared to those who have never stepped into the business world. Moreover,modern lifestyles mean more diverse challenges in all walks of life, so it ismore difficult to achieve success in the job market. Staying at the sameorganization and doing the same things over and over may restrict(限制) people’s chances to achieve diversity in their career.

  In essence, I believe that people should beencouraged to change their jobs as long as it is better for their personaldevelopment. Diversity(多样性) in jobcompetence brings more jobs prospects(前景) and changingoccupations is the best way to gain this.