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  In the past fifty years, the old people have lost some of their power to the young, and the young people have gained some high status. Is this phenomenon positive? What is your opinion?

  In recent years, it is said that the spotlight has veered away from the senior people to the young people, for the latter have accounted for a huge share of labour market. Some commentators have even come to a conclusion that young people can expect a higher role in the social hierarchy. In my opinion, it is still at the forefront of public debate whether young people can qualify as a suitable successor.

  The employers until recently have shown willingness to vest the young with broad power, which turns out to be a burden, instead of an incentive. Unsurprisingly, young employees have gained some leverage at modern workplace, since their skills are more updated. However, most of them have no enough ability to manage a large-sized project, for they have limited experience and social skills. In that case, a failure is inevitable, which can mar their whole career life.

  Meanwhile, the outcome is not necessarily positive even if employees succeeded in some critical projects. They would become complacent after years of success, and show disrespect for or distrustfulness of their seniors. The disagreement between the young and the senior employees grows fierce over time. It helps little the overall performance of a company.

  Finally, employees would disregard their family or their friends, when tasks come one after another. A family or a base of close friends means a reserve of wealth to every individual. A long period of ignorance will estrange young people from those who are mostly likely to back them up when in trouble. In general, employees show little concern about how to balance their career life and family life, and a heavy task from workplace can make it worse.

  To summarise, employers should be seriously cautious before they decide to leave young employees more responsibility. As mentioned above, whatever the performance is, young people face unpleasant change in their psychological side. Needless to say, their family deserves more attention.

  Spotlight=limelight=focus=attention: 注意,关注,关注的焦点

  Veer=turn=change direction: 改变方向

  come to a conclusion=draw a conclusion=reach a conclusion: 得出一个结论

  forefront=front: 前沿,前线

  vest…with=endow…with: 给予…以…

  mar=ruin: 破坏,毁坏

  complacent=smug=self-satisfied: 自满的,自鸣得意的.

  disregard=ignore=snub: 冷落,忽视,怠慢