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  A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth.(延缓)

  High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze(阻)

  irreversible destruction of rainforests

  Storms hampered the American-led advance on the city, bringing some convoys to a standstill(to prevent someone doing something easily)

  They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come( sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction)

  The emigration of scientists is a catastrophe for the country(a bad situation)

  The approaching cyclone could exact a huge toll(cause a lot of damage; cause many deaths:)

  Flash floods cause havoc in Thai capital

  The last few months have seen the progressive meltdown of the country's political system.( complete failure, especially in financial matters)

  Fighting and shortages have brought normal life to a virtual standstill in the city(a condition in which all movement or activity has stopped)

  spell a diseaster

  cheating generates numerous unfavorable results

  What concerns many people is that the long term effects of consuming such foods cannot be predicted

  Once let loose into the environment, plastic bags can cause considerable harm, blocking drains and suffocating wildlife mistaking the bag for food.

  Plastic shopping bags have a surprisingly significant environmental impact for something so seemingly innocuous

  As well as being an eyesore (next time you are outside, have a look around - you'll be amazed at the number of plastic bags littering our streets and waterways), plastic shopping bags kill large numbers of wildlife each year.‘句型 as well as +ing ,’

  China's success at building bikes has undermined production of two-wheeled vehicles everywhere

  But away from the orderly plantings and the managed olive groves, there's apotentially disastrous downside. In the foothills, some are calling it and environmental calamity.