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  Every year billions of dollars are spent on advertising. Many approachesare used to persuade consumers to buy a product. Some seem to work better thanothers.

  One approach, for example, is to try to make the reader or viewer identifywith the people shown using the product. These people seem to be glamorous,loved, successful, elite, clever, or sexy. Supposedly, anyone who uses theproduct can expect the same reward. Another approach is to let the product speakfor itself; people are attracted to scrumptious food, beautiful clothing, andsleek new cars. Sometimes good prices and special deals are the focus. Ads forcomplicated products, such as computers, may provide a lot of information.Endorsements by celebrities are especially common.

  In general, many of the ads succeed. People do tend to buy what they seeadvertised. However, some advertising can backfire. People may be offended, forexample, by ads that are overly sexy or ones that viciously or sarcasticallyattack competitors' products.

  Advertising can be a useful aid for the consumer. It helps a person learnwhat is new or in style or handy to have around, what things cost, and where tobuy them. To use this information effectively, however, a person must learn tolook past the emotional appeals and find the facts.
