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雅思写作真题:charity organization



  Some people believe that charity organizations should give the aid to thosewho are in great needs, some people think that charity organizations shouldconcentrate on helping people who live in their own country. Discuss both viewsand give your opinion. (抽象类)


  Background – theme – view

  Charity organization


  When people suffer some natural disasters and are confronted withdifficulties, they may expect the aid from others, especially charityorganizations. However, there is an opinion that charity organizations shouldhelp people of their own country instead of giving aid to whoever in need. Frommy perspective, the aid should be given to those in need regardless of theirnationality.

  Natural disasters, war or social turmoil, all these factors may renderpeople fall into poverty and diseases. The rise of charity organizations isassociated with the emergence of these disasters. They relieve people from greatsufferings and give people in need hope of survival. However, there is anopinion that aid from charities should only be given to people living in theircountries while others think that charity should benefit all people. I tend tobelieve the latter is of more justification.

  Body 1: why we should give help to those in great needs? What is theresponsibility of charity organizations?

  To help those in great needs is a reflection of moral obligation/duty forhuman beings.(意义) And this practice of helping others will have numerous/manypositive effects involving/including promoting economic development andenhancing social harmony. (影响和作用)Meanwhile, the aid from charity organizationsmay cover a wide range of people and may be more transparent. However, there aresome disadvantages of charity organizations. The money donated by charityorganizations may be taken away by local officials and cannot reach those whoare really in need. What’s more, charity organizations tend to give aid to thoseareas which are frequently reported by the media. This will cause regionalimbalance or even regional conflict.

  Body 2: whether aid from charities should only be given to localpeople?

  As for those who advocate that aid for charity organization should be givento people living in their own country, I hold conservative attitude. There is nodenying that it is more effective for charity organizations to give aid to localpeople. However, how to

  ensure fairness/equality among different peoples is the priority forcharities. Fair distribution of resources and aid is an objective reflection ofhuman virtues. (反证)If every individual or every organization just focus on theirown interest, the world will become indifferent and unfriendly.

  In conclusion, charity organization should give aid to people who are ingreat need without considering their social background, their nationality andsomething irrelevant. However, the aid should be supervised and monitored bysome independent organizations for fear of corruption or embezzlement. /However, the aid should be controlled or supervised by some dependentorganizations so that it can reach the targeted people.
