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  When we learn a language, we should also learn the cultures and lifestylesof this country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  There is no doubt that when you begin to learn a language, both culturesand lifestyles are indispensable for learning. Only learning cultrues andlifestyles can you have a good commond of what you learn.


  First of all, cultures paly a big role in languages. Colloquial phrases arepleasant to the ear, not only because they are familiar, but also because theyreflect a unique aspect of a culture which is a symbol of countries or livingareas. So necessary do you learn cultures first when you determine to learn anew language.


  In addition, some special languages in Canada and Austrilia have words thatreflect a way of life that is connected close to the Earth. There are fiftydifferent words that mean `snow` in one Canadian native language. Various locallanguages have been evolved through human`s lifes and have been continuing tochange step by step. If we expect to learn the most aboriginal languages,lifestyles count for learning.


  When you make a decision to learn languages, a good advice recommended toyou is that living with the local people whose mother language is what you willlearn, can communicate with you frequently. In this way can you learn languagesquickly ,efficiently and authoritatively.


  To sum up, learning languages is not a simple task but a process of knowingdifferent cultures and customs. So, to get involved in the cultures andlifestyles can make your learning happily .I am sure that you will enjoy everyminute of learning languages. ( 251words )


