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雅思写作范文:family and history



  IELTS Essay: Family History

  In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people tryingto find out the history of their families. Why? Is this trend a positive ornegative development?

  Example writing:

  What you can discover about the roots of your family is not likely to makeheadlines, but may be crucial in building a family tree that can be bothinteresting and surprising. Trying to search a family history is a positiveattitude toward something that you learn from and grow from it. Good or bad, onething is sure: you cannot erase the past.

  Some people are actually not interested to know their family roots. Thethought of finding out how they end up where they are at the moment simply doesnot intrigue them enough. They think it is useless to get whatever informationleading to who were they related to--great, great grand-parents, and great,great grand uncles and aunties. Hence, it seems that embarking on a project tocreate a family tree is not unlike digging the graves of the once-upon-a-timefamily members. Besides, they are convinced that there is nothing exciting orworthwhile about any serious research on family histories. This point of view issomehow understandable, considering the effort might turn out to be futile goingthrough much trouble in vain to gather details about folks in ancient blood linelong since buried and gone.

  Nowadays, curiosity about family roots appears to pay off. A lot of peopleare getting engaged in exploring their family histories, for good reasons. Atthis internet age, relevant information is made easier and more accessible.Chiefly out of curiosity, many people would like to go beyond the frontiers ofthe living and the dead, believing that this is an important aspect in knowingthe origins of their very existence. They make a point by attempting to bringthe memory of the past into the present because family history matters in aparticular way to the development of a country as it is. The argument seems tobe based on the wisdom that looking back into the past not only can satisfyhuman curiosity but also hold a mirror to the future. After all, it is alwaysgood to remember those families that ever lived before, and never to forget theheritages that have been inherited.

  For an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of theirfamilies, it makes sense keeping in vivid memory of the past as well asilluminating a path for the time to come. While being able to discover as farback as you can the names and lives of your ancestors is of course only a smallstep in studying the history of human civilization, the experience may beregarded as a giant step of its kind in knowing more about your familybackgrounds long, long ago. So much excitement along with so much curiosityabout things you never knew will never have to end.