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  题目:Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons withteachers than from others sources (such as the internet, television). To whatextent do you agree or disagree?

  范文:The statement that teachers outnumber other resources such as internetor television programs in terms of how much student can learn on campus is toopresumptuous.

  How much student can learn depends not only on the resources of knowledgeor information but also on students themselves and the environment in which theylearn. In some leading universities or schools, the academic staffs are usuallyoutstanding leaders in their subjects, and the campus is well equipped withvarious facilities to help live and learn. In this case, it is often true thatstudents in general are able to learn more from teachers than from otherresources. This also explains why so many bright young people pay high tuitionsto graduate or professional programs.

  Certainly, not all teachers are qualified. In some hinterland or remoteareas, educational staffs and facilities are rather scarce. Teachers are usuallythose who themselves are less well educated. In this case, to learn from theseteachers is less effective or even negative. This accounts for why so manyparents spend all of their money in renting a small room in the slums orghettoes in Beijing, China close to universities to help children learn more andbetter.

  These, however, should not be the absolute conclusion. The fact is thatsome students can learn well from both resources, while others fail ineither.

  In conclusion, I do not agree the argument that at schools students canlearn much more from teachers than other resources. In fact, it depends.
