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  希望大家在以后的练习当中,能够灵活的应用,只有这样才能在雅思考试当中取得好成绩。. Advertising promotes andpopularizes new products and give people everywhere the maximum choice ofproducts and choice.

  希望大家通过本章内容的学习,能在原有的基础上提高一个档次,让自己的雅思考试成绩有所提高。. Some advertisements are ofhigh artistic value, original andwell以上就是小编为大家带来的全部内容,大家一定要把学习到的知识进行积累总结,并且要随时复习,以免遗忘,只有这样,才有利于我们雅思成绩的提高。designedwith vivid pictures and witty language, artistic photography and witty slogan ;therefore they add to the beauty of our lives. They are a par indispensable tomodern society.

  本章的内容丰富,题目经典,非常有利于雅思考试成绩的提高,大家在阅读的过程中要仔细总结经验,善于总结,只有这样在雅思考试当中,才能取得好成绩。.Advertising brings convenience to people’s lives.

  希望大家能够对所学的知识进行融会贯通,在备考雅思考试的时候,针对自己的特点进行适当的参考和借鉴,才有利于提高自己的成绩。. Advertisingplays an important role in our economic life and is indispensable to theconsumer society.

  雅思阅读成绩的提高不是一蹴而就的事情,需要长期的积累和练习。有部分同学表示自己在备考时挺用功的,可是成绩总是上不去,这主要是因为没有掌握正确的技巧,只有在掌握一定技巧的基础上才能有效的提高自己的雅思成绩,下面,小编就为大家详细介绍一下。.It is a kind of visual enjoyment to look at some witty works of advertisingwhich add beauty to the cityscape .


  希望大家在以后的练习当中,能够灵活的应用,只有这样才能在雅思考试当中取得好成绩。. Some leaflets and handouts arescattered here and there, polluting the environment. They are regarded asrubbish and a blemish on the landscape of the city. They disfigure ourcities,

  希望大家通过本章内容的学习,能在原有的基础上提高一个档次,让自己的雅思考试成绩有所提高。. Advertisements are not alwaystruthful, and a product is often misrepresented , false and deceptive . Manyadvertisements are fictitious , exaggerating, misleading and flying in the faceof truth.

  本章的内容丰富,题目经典,非常有利于雅思考试成绩的提高,大家在阅读的过程中要仔细总结经验,善于总结,只有这样在雅思考试当中,才能取得好成绩。.Advertisements are an insidious form. of brainwashing. Some are mislead and tendto induce people to spend more and create demand for things we do not need.

  希望大家能够对所学的知识进行融会贯通,在备考雅思考试的时候,针对自己的特点进行适当的参考和借鉴,才有利于提高自己的成绩。. It is verydisturbing that TV programs are interrupted by advertisements, and mailboxes arestuffed with rubbish. Nuisance to TV viewers: constant interruption spoils theviewing. We can do nothing but accept it passively.
