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  题目:Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.

  范文:With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, thenumber of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have boughtcars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been twoquite different views on this phenomenon.

  Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, theautomobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support forother industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us workmore efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one tomove freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold orunder the burning sun.

  However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars.They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the firstplace, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volumeof poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actualharm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to trafficcongestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom areoften cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problemis the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lotof people in a friction of a second.

  In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in thedaily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such asmore serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energyconsumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts ofpollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each yearand cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am againstdeveloping private cars.
