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  “存在的往往就是合理的”,学过雅思写作的同学对这一点一定是深有体会!想一下身边的具体的现象,真的会帮助我们把抽象的作文题具体化,提供最初的写作灵感。中国的大学和国外的大学,现在每个学科有没有做到男女生人数均等呢?答案是否定的。我们接着想原因,有可能是我们该作文的一条重要论据。大家马上就可以告诉我,gender feature 是主要原因,的确,male and female tend to have different physical traitsand way of thinking , being adept at certain fields in tertiary education.以上的论点,正好可以支持“不必强求一致”派。性别特点是一个重要的工具,是我们写男女权利要用的最重要的论据之一。问题是,我们能否用这个论据,来支持“人数均等”派呢?只要想到我们写作课常用的一个表达,就解决问题了:正因为different gender feature, they tend to complement each other both physically andpsychologically , bringing their talents and strengths into full play.其中,complement 是很多雅思作文都要用到的一个词汇,说男女生互补。也可换形容词用,complementary to each other.

  第一个自然段有了着落,我们来看还有什么论据可用。除了性别差异,我们接着找社会原因,发现Sex discrimination也是导致该现状的主要因素。不少同学都能成功地写出类似的表达:In the old days majority of women were deprivedthe right of further education, which has been changed dramatically thanks tothe growing gender equality in the modern society.这个道理我们很容易认同,想想这句话是哪一派的论据,显然,它帮助了“人数均等”派的论证。现在的问题是,有没有办法用同样的工具,帮“不必强求一致”派说话?如果能做到这一点,大家的辩论能力是很强的了。这是我们从V119的两篇范文中拿出的一个论证部分:

  To eliminate sex discrimination means rather taking special considerationof the willingness and qualification of the two gender rather than purelystatistical data , otherwise an overwhelming waste of talents would arise as theuniversity turn down those eligible as well as enthusiastic applicants, based onsuperficial apprehension of sex equality.