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  In talking about artists in Australia, which has a concrete social securitysystem in place to take care of all kinds of basic needs, any kind of addedfinancial incentives are not only an added burden on the taxpayer. It would bean issue to find out worthy beneficiaries and there will be enough crooks whowill misuse any well intended government assistance schemes. Every human beingcraves for recognition and money happens to be one of the means towards thisend, however, as I mentioned in the beginning it is more important toacknowledge their work than provide financial assistance.

  On the other hand, as a Chinese, my perception of the government’sassistance is more questionable. Firstly, we need to give artists a definitionand how do you classify a person who is an artist. In essence, calligraphy,poetry, music and art they all can be extended to a person who writes well,paints well in his/her Blog. To extend this artist sense further, can we say asinger is an artist? Well, there are many pop song and folk music singers inChina. In the same way, a dancer, a talk show’s talent, a movie star, thedirector, the photographer they can all be artists. And this number of artistswould add up to whole population of Australia. How could the Chinese governmentprovide any assistance without any discrimination to those artists in everyclassification? I personally do not believe our government has enough financialability to accommodate this wide ganging number of artists.

  As a Chinese I can see that in my country, there is still a big gap betweenthe poor and the rich, I would rather government’s financial assistance bedirected toward the poor, this does not mean that I would think to provideassistance to artists is a waste of money. My point is that while we can give atrue definition of artists, government should use our taxes in a way to be moreaccountable for.