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  It is difficult to identify errors in your own written work, but if you canleave 3 or 4 minutes at the end of the test to perform a careful rereading ofeach task, you will almost certainly be able to find and correct some.

  Common errors

  Here are some common errors found in Hong Kong university students' writtenwork. Watch out for them when you are proof reading.

  Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments

  Check each sentence to make sure it has a subject and a verb and that itexpresses a complete concept.

  Do not run two sentences together incorrectly. Use punctuation (full stops,colons or semicolons) or linking words to separate them or clarify meaning.


  Use capital letters at the start of sentences and for names of persons,cities, countries, languages, streets, and titles.

  End every sentence with a full stop or question mark.

  Use punctuation (commas, colons, semi-colons) within individual sentencesto separate phrases and for easier understanding.

  Place exact quotes in quotation marks. Full stops and commas go inside thequotation marks.

  Use apostrophes correctly to indicate possession.