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  3. 垃圾问题怎么办?

  母题:Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture,because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbishthat we cannot fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinionand what measures can you recommend reducing this problem? (050806)

  提示:这道题目应该围绕“一次性文化”产生的原因、后果和解决方法来展开。原因:对于方便、卫生的追求。后果:破坏水源、污染土地、污染空气。解决方法:三个R:reduce,reuse, recycle。


  4. 自然资源如何保护?

  母题:Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, are used in manycountries. But in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy,including wind and solar power, are encouraged. Is this trend a positive or anegative development? (090530)、

  提示:这道题目问的是新能源alternativeenergy的优缺点。优点:取之不尽用之不竭inexhaustible,更环保environmentally-friendly, 缺点:核能nuclearpower会引发安全事故,水能hydropower会破坏生态环境upset the ecological balance, 太阳能solar power成本太高,风能wind power会产生次声波污染infrasonic wave.


  5. 交通工具

  母题:One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in severalyears’ time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people thinkthat we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, ratherthan to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (060325,080405)