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  Air transport is increasingly used to export some types of fruits andvegetables to countries where those plants can not grow or are out of season.Some say it is a good thing, but others consider this use of transport cannot bejustified. What do you think?


  Nowadays, there is no denying that air transport has become a heatedargument on which people hold quite diverse standpoints. Some people claim thatdifferent types of fruits and vegetables can be exported to countries wherethose plants are everyday requisites that are not available in the market, whileothers advocate that this use of transport cannot be justified. As far as I amconcerned, I am of the viewpoint that it is essentially important to make gooduse of air transport, provided that it is properly regulated and superintendedby corresponding government watchdogs.

  Firstly, air transport can cater for the basic needs of those people whohave almost no access to those daily necessities since these fruits andvegetables are out of their local market. Recent surveys have found that nearly60% of the countries or regions all over the world have to import goods andproducts from other countries with an aim to satisfying people's requirements,and among those things from other countries such agricultural products as fruitsand vegetables rank in the first place.

  Furthermore, air transport can not only boost the local economy but alsoincrease the fiscal revenue of the government. Furthermore, the government cantake advantage of the money to improve the living standard of the locals. Onlyin this way can local residents benefit a great deal form air transport.

  Last but not least, air transport allows countries in the world tospecialize in the state-of-the-art techniques of manufacturing and processing inorder to optimize natural resources that are the most valuable wealth that humanbeings shall cherish so as to stimulate their economy continuously since thetrend of global cooperation and co123boration is inevitable andindispensable.

  From the above-mentioned analysis, we can easily reach the conclusion thatair transport of fruits and vegetables plays a vital and indispensable role inboth people' life and the country's economy, and I have the convicted faith thatpeople will really utilize it positively and proactively.