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  Some British families decide not to buy televisions because they influencethe development of the creativity of children. What do you think?


  As science and technology accelerates, television, as a powerful inventionin the 20th century is becoming unbelievably popular in people’s life. Peoplecan be acquainted with the current affairs and appreciate the affluent programsright at home. As to my opinion on it, television will not whittle children’screativity as exaggerated.

  To begin with, television is the most effective means to inform children ofthe latest news and scientific improvement all over the world. Televisionreveals the recent development of some researches, such as the new computingtechnology, clone technology, genetic breakthroughs and so on, which can inspirethe imagination of children and motivate them to conduct relevant experiments,making new findings and breakthroughs in their study.

  Moreover, some programs like adventures and geography can enlargechildren’s capacity of knowledge. With the emergence of information technology,the knowledge presented in textbooks cannot cater for children’s curiosity anymore. Children need to learn wider knowledge and know more about our world.Programs like adventures can cultivate children’s creativity and the ability totackle difficulty; programs like geography can teach children knowledge aboutdifferent countries in the world and initiate their aspiration to know about thenature; programs about science can inspire children’s interest in science andtechnology.

  Admittedly, the inappropriate programs on television somehow play negativerole in the shape of children. The films containing violence, crimes andpornography contents tempt children to go astray.

  In a word, it is my strong belief that television will not impairchildren’s creativity as is asserted. Nevertheless, the government and the wholesociety should exert to eliminate the unhealthy contents on TV and ensure thechildren with a favorable growing environment.