在同时期比较两个事物的数值时,例如,表达A大B小,常常用表示对比的连词while将两句话连接起来,并且在while后面的B事物前加上muchmore或者much less一类的比较级,以突出B的小,跟A做对比。例如:
Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities (around150grams), whilemuch less fish was consumed (justover50grams).
…nuclear power,..., had developed into the main source, producing almost75% of electricity, at 126 units, while coal and oil together produced only 50units.
The consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to justbelow 50 grams,
这也是段落内部十分常见的对比方式。先描述A下降或上升了,然后用while或者类似的连词连接后面的B上升或下降了;同时,这种比较也适用于段落之间,比如正文的一个主体段写A,B和C都上升了,下一个主体段写D下降了。需要注意的是,如果是段落间的比较,则不适合用while,而应该用Incontrast, Conversely, on the other hand一类表示意群对比的句首词。例如:
The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend,…
However, while the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% inaround 1990, the figure for Japan dippedtoonly 2.5% for much of thisperiod,…
(1) The goats grazed peacefully in the farm and were unaware of theapproaching hunter. (并列分句(1)+2)
(2) Grazing peacefully, the goats in the farm were unaware of theapproaching hunter. (现在分语短语+简单句)
(3) In the farm, the goats grazed peacefully and were unaware of theapproaching hunter. (副词短语+并列分句(1)-(2) )
(4) There were goats grazing peacefully in the farm, unaware of theapproaching hunter. (简单句+形容语短语)
(5) As the goats grazed peacefully in the farm, they were unaware of theapproaching hunter. (原因副词从句+主句)
(6) The young pilot was on his first overseas training.
(7) He felt very uneasy.
(a) The young pilot on his first overseas training felt very uneasy.
(b) The young pilot felt very uneasy during his first overseastraining.
(c) The young pilot's first overseas training made him feel veryuneasy.
(d) Extreme uneasiness seized the young pilot on his first overseastraining.
(e) The young pilot was on his first overseas training, feeling veryuneasy.
(f) It being his first overseas training, the young pilot felt veryuneasy.
(g) Being on his first overseas training, the young pilot felt veryuneasy.
(h) The young pilot was on his first overseas training and felt veryuneasy.
(i) The young pilot, who was on his first overseas training, felt veryuneasy.
(j) When the young pilot was on his/first overseas trainging, he felt veryuneasy.
(k) As the young pilot was on his first overseas training, he felt veryuneasy.
(l) The young pilot was on his first overseas training, so that he feltvery uneasy.
在上述12个句子中,(a)-(g)是简单句;(h)是并列句;(i)-(l)是复杂句。简单句除(b)和(g)之外,其他五样,用的人并不多。人们最喜欢采用复杂句,尤其是(j)和(k)这两款;接着便是并列句(h)。如果大多数人的句子只限于(b),(g),(h), (j)和(k)这五种,而其他的则弃如敝屣,不是很可惜
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