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  Should capital punishment be a major deterrent to crime?


  1. There should never be suspicion~ of capital punishment.

  2. Murderers whose motive~ is money should not get off lightly. It isabsolutely wrong to think professional killers are insane and need hospitaltreatment.

  3. Criminals must be made to see the consequences of their crimes. "An eyefor an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is the very basis of justice.

  4. Capital punishment is more hmnane because the criminal does not sufferthe torture of life imprisonment.

  5. Only the return of the death penalty can ensure that people can sleepsafely in their beds.

  6. Murderers are not humane and, therefore, they cannot expect to betreated as hmnans.

  7. Capital punishment should be a major deterrent. Other strict laws shouldalso be put into practice.

  8. A hfe sentence is only a nominal sentence. It leaves a chance for thecriminal to escape.

  9. Those who are lenient to criminals are unkind to innocent people.

  10. We shouldn't be blinded by emotional argmnents, which leads torelaxation of harsh laws.


  1. Capital punishment should not be a major deterrent. Emphasis should beput on the reform of criminals.

  2. It has been proved many times in the past that the relaxation of harshlaws has never led to an increase in crime. Therefore, the "deterrent" argumentis absurd: capital punishment never protected anyone.

  3. Those in favour of capital punishment are motivated only by a desire forrevenge and retaliation~.

  4. There has been a marked trend in society towards a more humane treatmentof less fortunate members. The same attitude characterizes our approach tocrime.

  5. Suspension of capital punishment is enlightened~, civilized andhumane.

  6. Crime can only be drastically reduced by the elimination of socialinjustices--not by creating socalled "deterrents" when the real problems remainunsolved.

  7. It is illegal to murder, but are we justified in taking away the life ofthe murderer? No. Capital punishment helps create a bloody world.

  8. He who never errs does not exist. The death penalty leaves no chance forfirst offenders to reform.

  9. Murderers vary. Some kill people only to defend themselves while othersare trigger-happy. It is unfair to give the death penalty to every murderer.

  10. Some criminals can be reformed if they are handled properly. The deathsentence leaves criminals no hope at all.