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  Expressing Thoughts and Opinions in Task-2 Essays

  在雅思议论文中经常被Native Speakers 用来表达看法与立场的英式短语&句型

  在准备雅思考试的学习者们往往更加重视对于单个单词(individual words)的积累与使用,但是普遍并不重视对英语短语(phrases),句型(sentence patterns) 和固定搭配 (collocations)的掌握与探究。 以下短语和句型的表达会给考生的议论文带来两点的一笔。

  l Have mixed views on… (人们)各持不同的看法

  例句:It has around fifteen years since the Internet was first introduced intoBritish households but people still have mixed views on whether it is a positiveor negative influence on society.


  Reach consensus on … (人们)对某事达成一致意见

  例句:It will be difficult for people to reach a consensus on this issue.

  l be a highly charged issue 是一个引起激辩的话题

  Euthanasia(安乐死) is a highly charged issue in many European countries.


  be a well-established fact (某事)是为人们所共知的事实

  例句:It is a well-established fact that very young children learn best byrote.

  l The tide of opinion is now running steadily against …目前的观点普遍倾向于反对…

  例句: The tide of opinion is now running steadily against the new trafficlaw.


  The majority of people oppose…多数人反对…

  例句:The majority of people oppose the proposed tax reform.

  l It stands to reason that… (某现象)是符合常理的

  例句:It stands to reason that a child who is constantly criticized will growup to have no self-confidence.


  The concerns that …are well-justified. 对于某事的担心是完全合理的

  例句:The concerns that the new law will curtail NGO activities arewell-justified.