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  20080816 There are now detailed reports about crimes on TV and newspapers.Some people say that crime details should be restricted in the media. To whatextent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  2009917 Some people think lawbreakers should be sent to prisons whileothers claim they should be made to work in communities. Discuss both and giveyour own opinion.


  20090613 Research suggests that the majority of criminals who were sent toprison would continue to commit crimes when set free. Why do you think this isthe case? What can be done to solve this problem?


  20100130 Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lackof respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken toreduce this problem?


  20100805 In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committingmore crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers bepunished?



  ◎ 青少年犯罪的原因 (the reasons for the growing number of juvenile delinquency)

  青少年犯罪成上升趋势(the increasing number of young offenders/ teenage criminals)

  青少年走上犯罪的道路(embark on the criminal road)的原因是多种多样的(manifold)

  其一是:例如在单亲家庭(single parent family),缺乏家庭的关爱及正确的引导(lack of connectedness andlack of parental care),甚至是有些家庭存在着家庭暴力(domestic violence/ familyviolence),不要给孩子贴上消极意义的标签(label)

  其二是:社会的原因(be led astray in the complicated society)

  其三是:科技的原因,互联网和手机为犯罪提供了新的渠道 (a new avenue for committing crimes)

  其四是:学校的原因,学生承受的同伴带来的压力及学业压力、竞争压力(peer pressure and study pressure, theheated competition)

  其五是:媒体上包括电视、电影、广告等上面的暴力和血腥的场面(the violent scenes on the media,pornographicor vulgar forms of media)。

  其六是:青少年犯罪心理(psychology of juvenile delinquency)

  ◎ 怎样尽量避免青少年犯罪

  为了降低犯罪(crack down youth crime),在解决减少犯罪方面共同努力(join hands in minimizing therate of crime):

  教育起着不和或缺的作用(Education has an indispensable role to play),对于家庭教育(parentingrole),家长要教孩子(respect others,observe the rules and regulations ofschool),给孩子树立正确的人生观和世界观(world outlook and a set of decent values)。

  学校应该丰富学生们的生活(enrich students’ life),开设各种各样的活动(variousactivities),培养友谊(build up friendship),树立自信(confidence)和对未来的憧憬(aspiration for thefuture)。

  一个重要的原因可以被归结为新的科技媒介上的信息泛滥(one the of most contributing factors of youthcrime could be attributed to the wide access to the technological products likemobile phones and bloody contents on TV), 因此政府部门应该加强对媒体的监管(the supervision ofthe media),媒体上的犯罪细节应该加以控制,因为年轻人的世界观和价值观在形成的过程中,有时缺乏辨别是非的能力(distinguish betweenthe right and wrong);同时加强对网络游戏(computer games)和网吧(cyber café)的管理。


  Reasons for the rising rate of juvenile delinquency

  1学校的压力 Failure in school:

  The mounting pressure from school and society gives rise to the youthcrime. For one thing, they are confronted with the exam-oriented education andsuffer from the study pressure. Failure at school includes poor academicperformance, poor attendance, or more likely, dropping out of school. This is animportant factor for predicting future criminal behavior. Leaving school earlyreduces the chance that juveniles will develop their social skills that aregained in school, such as learning to meet deadlines, following instructions,and being able to deal constructively with their peers.

  2. 社会影响 Social Factors

  Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates.For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities foryouth and rising unemployment in general. When they enter the society to seek ajob, prejudice, misunderstanding and bias are the barriers and may create thealienation.

  3. 家庭影响Lack of Parental Supervision

  Families have also experienced changes with the last 25 years. More

  families consist of one-parent households or two working parents;consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home that wascommon in the traditional family structure. This lack of parental supervision isthought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates.

  Families are important to consider when trying to explain juveniledelinquency. The family unit is crucial to a child’s development and healthyupbringing, in addition, much of what a child learns is through their family orguardians. A criminal parent can teach their child adverse lessons about lifewhen their child views or witnesses their parents’ delinquent behavior.

  Besides, the juvenile delinquency can be attributed to the rising divorcerate and family violence. Children’s psychology may be distorted and have somemental problem.

  4. 其他因素Other Factors: drug, child abuse, crime details on media, peerpressure

  Other identifiable causes of delinquent acts include frustration or failurein school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growingincidence of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend toincrease the probability of a child committing a criminal act

  The crime details and violent pictures on the media are vital causes to beconsidered. Another factor to be considered is the peer pressure.



  ① reinforce education of children 加强对孩子的教育

  ② strengthen the family ties 增进家庭感情

  ③ pay much attention to family upbringing 关注家庭抚育

  ④ proper guidance and support 适当的指导和支持、

  ⑤ psychological guidance 心理引导



  sending criminals to prison,,

  be imprisoned

  bring sb into jails

  be locked up in prisons


  ① Imprisonment of criminals can ensure a safe living environment for thelaw-abiding citizens. (确保守法的市民生活在安全的环境中)

  ② Sending criminals to prison is the best deterrent to those potentialcriminals and scare off the would-be criminals.(阻止了潜在犯罪分子)

  ③ For the rights of victims, it is a spiritual consolation to the victims.(维护了受害者权益,对他们来说是个精神安慰)