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  The graph shows the process of driving license application in the US.



  范文:The flow chart given illustrates the process of applying for a drivinglicense in the USA. In the first stage, applicators have to visit the licensecenter to fill an application form to apply for a driving license. After this,the candidates have to be tested about their eyesight for free. If they fail tomeet the minimum requirement, no license is certificated. If the eye test ispassed, candidates need to pay fee for the following tests. First, a writingtest about the traffic rules in America has to be taken, which is followed by aroad test. Clearing both tests, the candidates can receive their drivinglicense. Unfortunately, some people may fail the writing test, and then anothertwo writing tests can be sat. Passing any one of the two would send the testsitter back to the right track to take the driving test. However, in the case ofthree fails of the writing test, another round of payment and tests have to bedone. This is also the case when someone stumbles at the last step—failing thedriving test.