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  The information in the diagram below describes the bread making process.


  The diagram givendemonstrates a process by which the bread is made via six consecutive phases.之后我们需要根据图的顺序来分析每个图的“3w1h”,需要做到尽可能地全面。


  When:首先(In thefirst/initial/original step; First of all = Firstly = initially = originally)

  What:要使用的主要材料是温水和糖(warmwater, sugar)

  Where: 盛有酵母的容器(yeast这个单词很多烤鸭可能不认识,抄之即可)

  How: 把材料放入容器以达成发酵的目的(to activate yeast)


  In the first step,warm water and sugar, which are the chief materials of bread making, are addedinto a container where yeast exists for the purpose to activate it. 这样的一句话既有被动句…are added into…,又兼顾了定语从句which和状语从句where的使用。


  When:其次(In the second/following/subsequent stage; Then = Next = After that =Afterwards)

  What: 第一次的混合物和更多的水(first mixture, more water)

  Where: 一个放有面粉和盐的盆里(flour, salt)

  How: 把这些材料都放入盆里以形成生面团(= dough)


  In the subsequentstage, a pot with flour and salt, in which the dough is formed at this point,is filled with the first mixture that comes from the former procedure and morewater, in order to make a homogeneous blend.


  After that, thedough has to be kneaded by hands for about ten minutes, thereby becoming smoothand shiny, which is followed by stage four. In this phase, it is left in a bowland kept in a warm place where the dough will rise itself within one to threehours. It is then punched down by fist, aiming to release air; meanwhile, thedough is kneaded again for a few minutes for the coming baking process, whereit is shaped into loaves and left to rise a second time for about one hour.When it is ready for bake, the oven needs to be set at 200 degree Celsius and thenewly baked breads will be served in ten to fifteen minutes, finally.

  通过以上的分析,同学们应该不难发现,流程图得分的关键在于找出每幅图的when (时间),what(材料),where(地方),how(方法和目的),之后灵活地用“被动+从句”的形式予以表达。只要大家在平日的练习中用此原则模拟练习写作流程图两次(剑6Test3,剑8Test3)并做到烂熟于心,相信笑傲雅思考场指日可待。