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  Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.












  Environmental problems, such as global warming, excessive waste production or air and water pollution all seems so overwhelming that individual persons cannot deal with them.

  This argument sounds reasonable. Addressing environmental problems requires professional knowledge, national legislation, enterprise coordination and many other social resources, and these surely go beyond individual power. As a consequence, not only are the government and large companies blamed for the environment deterioration, but they are also imposed full responsibility for environmental issues. However, this claim is short-sighted, failing to identify the link between what an average person does on a daily basis and the influence he or she can exert on the globe.

  The challenge of environmental improvement does not necessarily exempt individuals from their obligation. If we insist on prioritizing the private car over the bus or subway, the policy of limiting private car use would be made in vain. When we enjoy the convenience of one-off products such as chopsticks and throw them away with no hesitation, we are actually encouraging mass production of such commodity and wasting precious natural resources. Actually, ordinary people can play a significant role in making the world a better place to live in. We can be an integrated force when we make efforts towards a common goal. Therefore actions should be taken by ordinary people.

  To sum up, regardless of the arduousness of environment problems, individual people can make significant differences by changing their lifestyles. Without involvement and commitment of individuals, no major change would be made.


  1. excessive 过度的 adj.

  2. overwhelming 巨大的 adj.

  3. argument 理由 n.

  4. legislation 法律 n.

  5. enterprise 企业 n.

  6. be blamed for 责备

  7. deterioration 恶化 n.

  8. impose 施加 v.

  9. short-sighted 短视的 adj.

  10. identify 识别,看出 v.

  11. exempt 豁免 v.

  12. obligation 责任 n.

  13. prioritize 优先 v.

  14. in vain 徒劳的

  15. one-off products 一次性产品 n.

  16. with no hesitation 毫不犹豫地

  17. integrated force 团结的力量 n.

  18. commitment 参与 n.

  19. arduousness 艰巨 n.