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  雅思写作练习题目:Some people say governments should give priority to health care, while others believe that taxpayers' money should be spent on other important priorities. Disscuss both views and give your opinion.









  The functions of governments come in an array of(很多,一系列) forms, among which health care is an indispensable facet(不可或缺的方面)that governments have to pay attention to. In spite of its importance, I am of the opinion that there exit other aspects to which governments should attach weight(重视).

  It is quite obvious that the people are inclined to(倾向于)be less economically burdened if governments priotitise health care. This is because more favorable policies(有利的政策) will be issued and more fund will be granted to the public, which makes it more convenient and cost-effective for the public to see a doctor. For example, the financial support from governments is likely to make various medicines and treatments more affordable to people who are not so well-off(富裕的). Compared with the situation where citizens have to bear the cost totally by themselves, the economical pressure will be much relieved.

  However, governments’ investment should not be confined within(局限在…之内) the boundary of health care. Education, which concerns the long-term development of the whole nation, should also receive more funds. More talented students will be cultivated(培养) due to the abundance of governments’ financial support, offering more intellectual support(智力支持) to the development of the society. Besides, The students whose families are under the poverty line(处于贫困的家庭) are less likely to fail to receive further education only because of the insufficiency of tuition. Apart from education, it is alsoadvisable(合理的)that taxpayers’ money should be distributed to public facilities, which will not benefit every citizen’s daily life, but also attract more investment and create more job opportunities.

  To sum up, the allotment(分配)of governments’ funds can go to more sectors which will exert more influence on publics and the society as a whole, although the importance of health care cannot be underestimated.


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