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  和谐英语网特为大家收集整理了2017雅思写作范文:寿命延长的利弊。认真研读一定的2017雅思写作范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容~更多雅思考试的最新消息,最新、最专业的雅思备考资料,和谐英语网将第一时间为大家发布。People are living longer due to improved medical breakthroughs, healthier lifestyle and other factors.

  There are some positive effects of longer living. Since we have higher life expectancy, our study life becomes longer which means there is more time for us to choose, try and learn different subjects and to find out what we are passionate for. We also have more time to spend with family and friends, and enjoy doing our favorite things. Furthermore, we devote more time to our careers, and therefore having more possibilities to succeed. For talented people, they can produce more influential works. For example, if Mozart is living in today, he might compose more great songs.

  Society benefits from increased life expectancy too. When people have more leisure time, depression and stress are reduced, people's health is improved, hence people feel more satisfied with their societies. Moreover, having people work for a longer time will increase productivity and total GDP.

  But living longer is a double-edged sword. There also are negative effects.

  In the past, most people had only few years to live after they retired, but now they can live up to fifteen to thirty years. As the number of years spent in retirement increasing, financial problems has emerged. Retirees have a greater risk of outliving their savings, and need to have more money than before to support their retired life. Pensions which supported by governments, companies and other organizations have to rise.

  However, it is not only money that is costing more. When people live longer they eat more food, drink more water, use more sustainable energy etc.. The consumption of society is growing and increasing.