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雅思大作文:children should begin formal learning at school


  雅思作文范文:Some people think children should begin formal learning at school as young as possible. However, others feel children should not study at school until at least seven years old. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  Controversy arises as for when children are supposed to embark upon their formal study. I hold the view that earlier exposure to study is an asset for children, even though some minor drawbacks may occur.

  Some people advocate the early learning time because this practice could make full play of children’s potential and their intrinsic characters. In their earlier childhood, children tend to be more curious about the world around them and they are more willing to try brand-new things. Motivated by this inherent feature, children are more likely to show interest in school subjects and feel less frustrated and daunted when they encounter some problems and challenges. With due guidance and inspiration from teachers, children may be even cultivated with passion and perseverance, which can provide relentless incentive in the long run.

  The opponents, however, deem it unnecessary for children to commence study before they are aged 7 years old. Children are too young to be put under the academic stress and peer competition, mainly because they are not mentally strong and not capable of releasing study-induced stress in a moderate way. The ever-increasing study load also increases the likelihood of less outdoor exercise and contact with nature, which make children less physically strong and even suffer from poor eyesight and some diseases.

  Personally, I believe it is sensible for children to start their study earlier. Schools are places where not only knowledge is taught, but also the first spot where students can learn social rules and cultivate their interpersonal communication skills. Children are required to obey school rules, such as being punctual for the class and respecting their classmates and teachers. This can help them to behave in a socially acceptable way and take others into consideration when necessary. In schools, children will also participate in activities, which means they need to listen to their peers and express their own ideas, a practice which will nurture and facilitate their communication abilities.