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  Some people think living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?











  In many countries today, big cities seem to be stubbornly appealing to the mass population, along with which there arises the question as for whether living in a city will damage people’s health. For me, the answer is definitely yes.


  On one hand, the environment of most major cities, especially those in developing and underdeveloped countries, has been severely destroyed due to the overly quick industrialization. Take air pollution as an example, the speed of vehicles’s injecting tail gas and erect chimneys’ vomiting forth clouds of smoke is so fast and the volume so considerable that the atmosphere long before has failed to degrade the pollutants. Consequently, haze become a new natural hazard in many metropolises in the long run, with the PM 2.5 density in some reaching several times the national limit.


  Apart from the threat posed to the physical health of city dwellers, the ever-accelerated living tempo, tuned with their competitive mind-set, is doomed to do damage to people’s mental health as well. It is not uncommon that blue-collar and white-collar workers as well spend any more hours in workplace than in their home, not to mention enough time squeezed for relaxation and recreation. An extreme and tragic case in point is the soaring number of suicides in bog cities.


  Nevertheless, it has to be admitted that health facilities in big cities are increasingly available and in full set and not a few people are making efforts to keep fit. In the morning the young and old can be seen jogging around parks and after dinner women gather and dance on squares. Many companies and public institutes also organize activities to encourage their members to do exercise. But despite all the convenience, few people can maintain their health as long as the air we breathe is still severely contaminated and the workload remains unbearable.


  To sum up, theoretically, at least for now and in the near future, it is of faint possibility for the basic living environment to restore its purity and the society to cease to pursue the unsustainable development; therefore, pathetically, the health conditions of most city dwellers will still deteriorate.
