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  Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Children and TV是雅思写作一个常考话题了,本次考题的观点是孩子们通过看电视可以有效地学习,因此,孩子们在家里和学校都要经常看电视。考生们一定要注意审题,注意写作时的让步,再进行反驳。当然,也可以完全同意,只要言之有理。


  It is acknowledged that children may benefit from watching television programs, such as educational programs. However, I disagree with the recommendation that watching television should be a regular activity at school and st home, as this would produce more negative outcomes than positive ones.


  It has received wide cognition that many television programs can moticate children’s learning enthusiasm, thus encouraging them to expand their knowledge in terms of normal school subjects and after-school activities. However, there are still many problems associated with the increased time of sitting in front of a TV screen.


  If children spend time watching television everyday at school and at home, they may face the probability of suffering obesity, eye problem and back problem. When they are studying at school, it would be advisable for them to focus on learning, acquiring knowledge on academic subjects. Besides, more active and aggressive activities should be encouraged as they are in a physical state when they should participate in more sports activities. But watching television seems to do more harm than good in their physical development.


  Furthermore, it is true that children waste a lot of time playing electronic gadgets after school, resulting in the fact that many of them have become highly addictive to these gadgets. If they are asked to watch television regularly, they would certainly lack interpersonal interaction. It would be more beneficial if they play games with their parents or do housework.


  In conclusion, although television programs would do good to children’s learning in some ways, they definitely would cause more disadvantageous effects if watching them become a daily routine for children.
