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  part three
  is he still famous now?
  do you think he want to be famous in his middle school or high school?
  do you think the way of thinking of famous people change when they become famous?
  if the famous people fail , what do you think?
  is there people famous 40 years ago?
  do you think the famous people have privacy?
  how do they do if they want to have privacy with their family?
  9. 一件让你快乐的事情
  PART3, 怎末样使自己快乐 。 政府应该做些什么使老百姓快乐。 等等。。关于快乐的人生探讨。a recent event make you happy快乐和年龄关系 和一大堆和快乐有关的话题
  10. Law :talk about an important law in your country? why it is important? what kind of people does it affect? Which law in China you believe nice?
  part3 do you think it is possible to make international law on some field? what kind of field? Do people in China like the police? Why do you think different countries sometimes have quite different legal systems? What would society be like if there were no laws? In the future, do you think all countries might have the same laws? Do you think international law is useful/effective?
  11. Art喜欢art吗有没有学过某种art 有没有去过art gallery或者museum
  Do you think the art is important to life?
  Can you give an example of arts you learn?
  What kind of art do you like?
  What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?
  What kind of art are you good at?
  12. What you wearing in a special occasion?
  1.what you wear and why
  2.where u bought them
  3.how people think about u
  1.when do people wear formal or informal clothes?
  2.what influence do u think globalization to fashion of clothes