一级预测(Highly Possible):政府决策类+科技类
入选理由: 研究一下过去两三年的规律就会发现一般考完青少年教育类(8.21)话题后考政府决策类话题的几率比较高,而且很可能考与科技背景有关的内容。
推荐练习真题: It has been more than 30 years since man first landedon the moon. Some people think that space research is a waste of money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
入选理由: 教育类和政府类两大话题暑假考了真的蛮多次的,抽象类话题也有可能轮到一次。
推荐练习真题: Throughouthistory, male leaders have often made societies more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, it would be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
二级预测(Possible): 意识形态类(抽象类话题)
入选理由: 教育类和政府类两大话题暑假考了真的蛮多次的,抽象类话题也有可能轮到一次。
推荐练习真题: Throughouthistory, male leaders have often made societies more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, it would be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
三级预测(Maybe): 社会现象类
入选理由: 一个很久没有考了的话题,也许会偶尔冒一次头。
推荐练习真题: The speeding up of life in areas like travel and communicationsare having a negative effect on our society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
图表作文: 流程图的警报还没解除,相反,9月考流程图或者地图题的可能只有越来越大,希望大家做好准备,把我课上讲的流程图范文拿出来再好好复习一下。
和谐英语 和谐英语
一级预测(Highly Possible):政府决策类+科技类
入选理由: 研究一下过去两三年的规律就会发现一般考完青少年教育类(8.21)话题后考政府决策类话题的几率比较高,而且很可能考与科技背景有关的内容。
推荐练习真题: It has been more than 30 years since man first landedon the moon. Some people think that space research is a waste of money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
入选理由: 教育类和政府类两大话题暑假考了真的蛮多次的,抽象类话题也有可能轮到一次。
推荐练习真题: Throughouthistory, male leaders have often made societies more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, it would be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
二级预测(Possible): 意识形态类(抽象类话题)
入选理由: 教育类和政府类两大话题暑假考了真的蛮多次的,抽象类话题也有可能轮到一次。
推荐练习真题: Throughouthistory, male leaders have often made societies more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, it would be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
三级预测(Maybe): 社会现象类
入选理由: 一个很久没有考了的话题,也许会偶尔冒一次头。
推荐练习真题: The speeding up of life in areas like travel and communicationsare having a negative effect on our society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
图表作文: 流程图的警报还没解除,相反,9月考流程图或者地图题的可能只有越来越大,希望大家做好准备,把我课上讲的流程图范文拿出来再好好复习一下。
和谐英语 和谐英语