口语预测我博客里面新放了2008年10-11月雅思口语重点题目及参考答案。口语方面,发现一个新规律,上次和近期几次考过的国内外口语话题,这次几乎会在国外各考点重考到。口语更新很小,很好预测,几乎都能准备到。所以要引起大家注意。我预测里面的25个口语话题都是考生历次考试回忆里最高频率的话题和海外新出现的话题。所以建议考生,最好本预测里面的作文题目,口语话题目都认真准备一下。口语想要取得好分数,要礼貌,大胆,自信,流畅,自然,真诚,在跟考官的聊天中成为好朋友,把考官当人看,不要当神拜。有四个窍门,第一:多听,听说,考前几天强化准备好20-30个考试的高频率话题目(下面预测的Topics),多听标准发音(VOA Special, BBC,剑桥)对大家正音很有帮助。第二,多模仿,尤其是语调,每天坚持跟读模仿VOA SPECIAL,BBC或剑桥听力半小时以上。第三,一定要敢说,大方的说,不要怕错,对着考官时候连珠炮的问的时候要镇定自若,把话题打开,但是要围绕中心,这真的有点难度,所以大家在思考时一定要有一些连词或者过渡类素材说出来不断同时脑子里思考怎么回答中心问题。第四,尽量让你的讲话内容生动有趣味,独特,富于激情,吸引考官。第五,穿着,这真的好重要,大家一定不要穿的很休闲很随意地去参加口语考试,俗话说人靠衣装,男生推荐衬衫,一定要干净,女士也不推荐穿的很花里胡哨,要稍微装重点,这样考官在见你的时候会有点好印象,很重要的。另外进去和结束时一定要和考官问好,THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME,GOODBYE等等,礼貌问题很重要。
Part 1: Where are u living? What kind of house or building it is? Any pictures on the wall? What kind of pictures? About garden, why people like gardening? What kind of plants they prefer, flowers or vegetables? Part 2: About a present orgiftyou give to others. 1. what kind of gift? 2. to whom, when? 3. Why? Part 3:延伸Part2 Will you preper hand-made gifts? Why? Why people give gifts to others?延伸about Giving and Receiving Do you like giving gifts to others? Do you like giving or receiving?再次延伸giving to help What do you think about young people should help olders? Why? Do they willing to? Does anything change if compare with past time?再次延伸关于helpping others to reward people tohelp othersDo you think we should give reward to people who help others? Do you think we should give reward to child when they did something good? How can charity do to encourage people to help others and do you think they need to reward outstanding people?
Game and sports描述一个你观看或者参加的sports match
part3运动对儿童的重要性,然后都是关于在学校里competition的问题,包括team sports的重要性,individual sports的重要性,两个哪个更重要,对儿童来说individual sports有什么优缺点
Sports ( how often, your favorite, why),What sports are popular among Chinese people?
Should we teach sports to children? Why?
What is the role of sports?
Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?describe a game.
现在人们还喜欢做游戏吗?从什么途径得到news,你喜欢什么样的新闻,你觉得你们国家的小孩喜欢新闻吗,老人与小孩喜欢不同的新闻吗,为什么?an interesting news from newspaper or tv. what is it, when did it happen who did it involve,why do you think it's interesting. part3: 1.which one do you think people are more interested in, local, national or international?2.who are more interested in international news, younsters or adults?3.which one are more popular, radio news or tv news 4. do you think tv make the news interesting? 5.do you think people will prefer, internet news or tv news?
part 2:one thingyou can't do now, but you want to learn in the future.
what is it?
how will you learn that?
why do u want to learn it?
hometown, name, occupation, bike , party, weekend, swimming birthday,大人和小孩对生日的看法有什么不一样,人们庆祝的方式有什么不一样?Do people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?
Do u think it is important for people to celebrate them?
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Is the birthday more important for adults or young people旅游tourism ,garden, museum人们喜不喜欢garden,老师该不该带学生去参观museum, A tourist attraction the you enjoyed visiting in you country.
what it was;
where it is;
what did you do there;
why did you enjoy it.
Part 3:
will you go to the tourist attraction again?
what makes a tourist attraction popular?
do you think tourism is important and why?
what kind of tourist attraction is most popular?
do you think it is important to preserve tourist attractions?
what the different of ways to preserve the tourist attractions now and before?
a personyou like to hang out ,a famous people you want to meet? why
where do you see him or her first time
part three
is he still famous now?
do you think he want to be famous in his middle school or high school?
do you think the way of thinking of famous people change when they become famous?
if the famous people fail , what do you think?
is there people famous 40 years ago?
do you think the famous people have privacy?
Whow do they do if they want to have privacy with their family?
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