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  2.28大作文旧题目-健康问题: some people believe that improve public health should increase the number of sports facilities ,others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it. Discuss. 两方面都讨论,给出自己观点。小作文是四条曲线图。
  3.5大作文是文化类:newspaper对人们的opinions and ideas产生巨大影响~ 产生这样现象的原因 结合例子或你的经历 谈论这样现象的积极和消极面。小作文: 两个图形结合,一个饼图和一个柱状图 (一个pie chart, bar chart~讲的是2004年澳大利亚的居民用水情况~residential consumer water。
  3.7大作文是艺术类 some people think music take an important role in society. some people think it is just a way of entertainment. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 小作文是两个图形结合,两个柱图:1998-2004,import from China to Aus, Export from Aus to China, comparison of goods value, bar chart; Different types of goods in 2003,2004.bar chart。
   3.14A类大作文类型-教育类: -- 选择出国接受高等教育的好处和坏处more and more students choose to go to another country and finish their high education. do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? A类小作文类型: 综合两个图-地图, 比较过去和现在的发展, 是新题型--就是城市发展:第一幅图说明过去城市是怎么样的, 第二幅图说明现在城市是怎么样的。
  3.21 A类 小作文是表格题,the employment of students after graduating from first degree courses in 2001 in UK(England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland),employment分为total in employment, permanent employment, temporary employment, overseas employment。大作文是社会政府类Some people think it is more important for government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree? G类小作文:a company offers a temporary job but no salary, but it helps you to gain some work experience, please send a letter and express your willingness, introduce your work experience, and which department you want to work, what expectation you have from the job.大作文是some people argue that young people are spending too much time on watching TV, what do you think of it ? and what kinds of activities should be encouraged to them?
   4.4A类大作文是新题目:People nowadays live in societies where good are relatively cheap( where consumer goods are cheaper to buy), do you think its advantages outweigh disadvantages? A类小作文:两个BAR图,题目是新的.一个bar chart :number of people per square kilometer in 2003(AUSTRALIA/JAPAN/UK/SWEDEN/CANADA/ITALY ),令一个bar chart :proportion change in urban population。G类大作文也是全新的:women work as police officers in some country. However, some people believe that women do not suitable to be police officers. G类小作文-书信Request letter: you arrange a working weekends in the hotel with your colleagues, write a letter to the hotel manager: who are you and your group, what would you do in the weekends, what accommodation you need and the requirements ,预测中.
  4.18/25/30大作文重点按顺序如下:节假日旅游,社会问题类,建筑,广告,语言,动物保护,法律犯罪,能源,家庭生活,社会福利等话题,要求同学们多准备这方面的词汇和句型。4.18/25/30 A类小作文重点排列如下: 2-4个图形结合(饼图,曲线图,柱状图,表格的结合), 单独的曲线,饼图,柱图,流程图机率30%(上次流程图是1.15考的,大概两个月左右考一次,3.21考了两地图)。考官不是很爱出-因为很难出流程图,就是考到也会是比较简单的。大家可以放心。我的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/yeyibin2008,VIP资料里面有流程图和其他各种小作文图形的写法,套句和范文,方便复习。大家也可以找剑桥里面的该类题目来练:各准备一篇。作文题目一定要看仔细了,审题要很注意。经常发现考试时考生作文题目看错,看不懂,或单词误解,造成离题,偏题现象,比如8月9日考试时,A类大作文是In some countries ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas ,do you think advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages. Give reasons for you answer and include examples from your knowledge or experiences。有的考生就把regional areas看成religious areas,有的考生都不知道outweigh的意思。所以建议考生在考前要写至少12篇大作文和5篇小作文,请人面批,再读范文提高。预测里面的作文就是近期的重点,最好都准备下。只有完成这个指标,才能形成自己的一套写法,才有自己一整套的句子表达,才能应万变,考试时作文才能按时间写完。人生是一个过程,雅思复习也需要一个过程,作文的提高更需要过程,偷工减料没完成我提出的指标的同学考试就会知道苦头了-要么在规定时间内写不完,要么离题或写得很痛苦。