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  30.Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.
  You should say:
  * who this person is①
  * how you know him or her②
  * what kinds of food they cook③
  and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking.
  你会不会做饭?现代人通常天天做饭吗?你认为家人一起吃午饭或者晚饭重要吗?学校是否该提高食物的质量对学生?学校有没有义务给学生教授关于health food的东西?你觉得年轻人是否应该学习cooking?现在的人喜欢在家里自己做饭吗?什么时候大家会聚在一起吃饭?
  31. ALibrary: Describe a library that you know
  You should say: where it is ? when you went there? what books and facilities this library has? and explain what you like or dislike about this library.
  32. Describe a friend.have you lived with strangers ?
  difference of friendship between girl to girl and boy to boy.
  34. A Polluted City Describe a city that you have been to that was polluted.
  35. Describe an important letter you wrote.
  You should say who you wrote to①when you wrote it②what you wrote③
  and explain why you wrote that letter④
  36. Describe the best present/gift you have received
  Who send it?
  When did you receive it?
  Detailed information about the present.
  37.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
  You should say:
  What kind of advertisement it was
  When and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement
  What product you bought
  Explain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product
  what types of media contain the advertisements?
  有人说孩子不适合接触广告,你觉得呢?我们应该control?如果广告将来有所增长? 你看到广告都会想买么?
  38. Describe your favorite season.
  SECTION2:what's the season of the yearyou most like?
  1.what's your favorite season?
  2.why do you like this season?
  3.what's your generally doing in this season?
  39.(新增) Describe an activity /a new or exciting thing that you did recently.
  You should say:
  what it was
  when you did it
  who you did it with and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.
  40.(新增)Describe an organization (such as a company, a factory, a government organization or a student organization at school).
  You should say:
  where this organization is
  how you know about this organization
  what this organization does
  and explain how you feel about it.
  Part 3  Working in an Organization
  What would you prefer to work in, a big organization or a small one? What are the benefits of working in a small organization?
  What are the benefits of working for a big organization?
  41.(新增)Describe your favorite sport
  Talk about a kind of sport. You should say:
  What it is?
  Whether it is popular?
  Who likes it?
  42.(新增)Describe a perfect trip/holiday/ trip planned not so well
  43.(新增) Describe a place that you have been to that has a lot of water.
  44.(新增)Describe a conversation: where is it made , who do you make the conversation with, what is the content of the conversation?
  45.(新增)Describe a picnic or meal outdoors Park你喜欢邀请你的朋友去你家玩吗?你觉得在家吃和在外面吃饭有什么区别和好处坏处.
  46.(新增)What isGlobal Warming and how do deal with it?
  47.(新增)Describe a traditional Chinese dress
  48.(新增)Education What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade? What change do you foresee in the next 50 years? Describe an educational trip.
  49.(新增)Describe a party you attended. You should say:
  What party it was.
  Why the party was held.
  Who attended the party?
  What you did at that party.
  50.(新增)Describe a subject you studied at school
  51.(新增)Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university (such as biology, chemistry or physics).
  52.(新增)Describe an interesting magazine/newspaper. what the magazine/newspaper specializes in? what information it contains? who you think reads this magazine/newspaper?
  and explain why you think this magazine/newspaper is interesting?
  3.特别值得大家引以为戒的是-在考官发问卷时候`不要翻到back cover去看(当然更不能打开看),考试结束时考官说停时马上要停笔,常有考生当场违反规定就被记了名字,希望大家注意考场上的细节。