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  口语预测 part 3
  1.Describe your future plan/what should you do in the future.(新增)
  You should say:
  What do you plan to learn in the future?
  Why do you want to learn it?
  Where and how will you learn it?
  2. Describe a practical skill you have learned recently.(新增)
  3.Describe a course you want to learn if you had time.(新增)
  Why do you want to learn the course? How will helpful will the course?
  4.Describe a successful activity you do in an organization in the college or in the work /Describe a group activity (新增)5.Describe one favorite flower. (新增)
  6.Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine (新增)
  You should say
  What is it?
  What does it contain?
  How often do you read it?
  And explain why it is your favorite newspaper or magazine.
  7.Describe about a vehicle(car or motorbike) that you have or would like to have in the future(新增)
  you should say:
  - What car / motorbike is it
  - Why you would like to have it
  - Will you be able to buy it or not.
  8.An Interesting Lecture or Speech (新增)
  Describe an interesting lecture or speech that you heard.
  You should say:
  when you heard it
  where you heard it
  what the lecture or speech was about
  and explain what influence or effect this lecture or speech had on you.
  9. Weather ,Climate ,season
  Describe your favorite season or time of the year.
  You should say:
  what season it is
  what the weather is like at this time
  what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do)
  and explain what is special about that season.
  part2:最喜欢的season or time in a year(when?why like?do what?)
  你怎么知道天气变得cold or hot?
  冷的地方与热的地方 都有什么好处和坏处?
  10. Keep fit/ Health(Part 1-3)
  Describe a good thing that can improve your heath.
  what it is, when did you have it. whether you like it,and explain what do you think this thing is.
  children should improve their health?
  -what do you think should help children to improve their health.
  -How people improve their health in their life?
  --Do you think advertisement should play role in improving public health?
  11. A Childhood Song(新增)
  Describe a song that you remember from your childhood.
  You should say:
  how you learned this song
  when and where you learned it
  what the song is about
  and explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.
  12.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
  You should say:
  What kind of advertisement it was
  When and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement
  What product you bought和谐英语
  Explain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product
  13.Learning English(新增)
  a. Describe a way you used for improving English. when and where you used it ?
  what your way was ,who you told about your way and explain why you thought your way would make improvement?
  b. Talk about learning English. You should say:
  When and where you began studying English.
  What the most interesting thing in an English class is.
  What the most effective way of learning English is.
  What difficulties you have when learning English.
  What the advantages of learning English are.
  14.Describe a famous person that you admire.
  You should say:
  Who the person is and where he/she lives
  What the person does
  The things you admire about this person
  And explain what you think people can learn from this person.
  15.Describe a historical place
  when to build
  how do you know it
  口语预测 Part 4
  What can people read in a library that they can't read in other places?
  Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think every university should have its own library?
  Do you think public libraries should be free of charge?
  What are the qualities of a good library?
  22.Clothing What kind of clothes do you like? What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes? Do you like buying clothes? Do you often wear formal or informal clothes? Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?
  23.Describe an important success in your life
  When /where/what about it
  How do you make it?
  Why it is important for you
  24.Describe a person you helped/who helped you
  25.Describe your favorite movie/movie star Do you often go to the theater?
  What kinds of movies do you like best?
  Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her.
  Do you like traveling?
  How do you usually travel?
  Where have you traveled to lately?
  Describe a journey/ long travel
  27. Swimming
  Do you like swimming?
  Where do (or can) people go swimming in your hometown (or, near your home)?
  Why do many people like swimming?
  What do you think are the benefits of swimming (or, the benefits of knowing how to swim)?
  Describe a place near water/(near where you live) where people go to swim.
  You should say:
  where this place is本文来源:和谐英语
  what this place looks like
  what kinds of people go there and explain why people choose to go to this place (instead of other places)