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Full name

Where are you from

What kind of accommodation do you live in?

Do you have a watch? What do you think of being on time?

Do you like shopping?

Where do you usually travel to? Do you enjoy long distance travel?

What do you like to collect in your free time?

Will you collect things that will have the potentials to be valued in the future?

Are you working or studying? Major?

What kind of flower do you like?

What is your reading habit? Do you enjoy reading when you were very young?

What kinds of natural sound do you like the best?

Do you have your cell phone? Do you think cell phone is important?

When did you use cell phone for the first time?

Do you like cooking?

Do you think cook is necessary for people?

Do you like riding a bike?

What kind of newspaper or magazine do you like to read in your free time?

Are you into fashion?

How do you learn English?

Do you like seeing films?

Which kind of cloth you prefer to dress?

What was the first thing you do when you enter your school?

Do you think the first day in the college education is important?

Which color do you like?


PART 2&3

Topic1. Describe a famous TV presenter(TV 主持人)

PART3:如何做好一个电视节目主持人?主持人和记者之间的区别?How have TV programs changed in the past 10 years?

Topic2. describe a letter or card you ever received

Part3: Do you often send a card to others? Will this communication type disappear in the future? how government should do to protect this culture?How do you think the role of writing for literacy? Do you think literacy is important to people?What is the advantage for writing a card? If sending a card is important for communication or on the festival?

Topic3. Describe a garden or a park

PART3:你认为为什么现在城市里公园越来越少?公园的存在对于人类有什么好处?政府应不应该多建公园?除了air pollution,人类还会造成哪些方面的环境问题?政府现在是否已经在致力于改善环境了?What you like to do in the park? What people living in the city like to do? What are the different ways of relaxing? For people in your hometown, is there any other outdoor entertainment except for going to park? What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor activities? Do you think the grass land is very important? How to plan the grass land in cities?

Topic4. Describe a piece of music

PART3:What are the different meanings of different music? What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it? What is the difference between Chinese and western music? Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style? Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?

Topic5. 你喜欢的subject

PART3:What subjects do Chinese students learn in high school? If you like the subject, what will you do? If the students dislike a subject, what will the teacher do? In Chinese education, which subject is the most important? Do the teachers use technology to teach? What is the difference between college education and high school education? Which one should we focus on, academic research or practical research? How can teacher make students like the subject? Are there more male teachers or female teachers in primary school? Who is better, old teacher or young teacher? Is there any change of education this year?

Topic6. a public event(一般是一个城市里的某项大型活动,比如城市马拉松)

PART3:贵国搞什么public events吗;去的人多吗?大家对于public events看法如何;你喜欢吗?为什么参加;What should government do about over-population? Some cities are with larger population, some smaller, why is this? What things can make people get together? What should government do about over-population? If the place you live in is crowded, do you think it may affect your life? Name some other event which attracts Chinese people except for sports? (你觉得身处现场和坐在电视机前看有什么区别?)What is the difference between live show and on TV? Why some people prefer watching TV rather than watching the live show? Do Chinese people listen to concert performance? Why Chinese people prefer seeing the things rather than feeling the things?

Topic7. 老人

PART3:老人在家里扮演什么角色?中国文化对老人的过去和现在有什么变化;你们以什么态度来对待老人;和过去有没有改变老人需要工作吗?你认为给老人限制一个退休年龄的做法是正确的吗;Old culture’s influence on our generation;Does your generation respect old people today;Compared with the past; Does it change;What do you want to do in your future? What’s your favorite job?

Topic8. 最近的一次来访 / 你次你去拜访别人

PART3:What do people like to take as a gift when they visit others' home? What kind of gift? What you would like to take as a gift? What people will do to welcome the visitor? Do you like to visit young people or old people? Special features of famous person?If China had internationally famous people, what benefit there are?Why some multinational companies have internationally person as spokesperson, benefits?Do people care about the nationality of internationally famous person now and will this change in the future?在中国,拜访时客人带什么礼物 /你怎么招待客人/中国人送礼时大家都很客气的不收,你怎么看待这个问题;Will you bring things when visiting others? Is it common to bring sth. for a visit? If guests don't take anything, is there any difference the host treats them? What kind of treat to the visitors is thought welcome? What do you talk when you visit others?

Topic9. 描述一所你小时候的一个学校

PART3:为什么现在的人更愿意教小孩而不喜欢教育老人? 你觉得成为老师需要哪些品质?(What is the character of a good teacher?) 在这些品质中哪个是最重要的,为什么?严厉教育小孩有什么好处? 什么样的人能教育小孩儿;现在孩子的压力比以前大吗?(Are Chinese children under great pressure?) 你同意吗大班级好还是小班级好,为什么?(About bigger class or smaller class, what is the difference and which one you think is better?) 大的学校好还是小的学校好,为什么?现在的教育方式和过去的有什么区别,为什么会有这种改变?Is the quality of Chinese education good? How many students do you think is appropriate for one classroom? Do you think the number of student will affect the quality? Which one is easier for children making friends and accepting knowledge?

Topic10. 电子产品

PART3:What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home? How does it change people's life? Compare the ancient machine and modern machine; what machines will be like in the future? Do old people like to use them as young people do? Do you think people are forced to accept that electronic machine or have a chance to refuse it? 机器与电子产品的区别;

Topic11. 一件你朋友做的让你很崇拜他的事

PART3:你认为children admire什么人?你认为people in different age admire的人有什么不同? 你觉得学历在过去和现在的重要性有什么不同?你觉得是学历重要还是工作经验重要?有什么不同?你觉得现在的children是不是有很大的压力?

Topic12. Describe a shopping center

PART3:Why people like shopping? Why women like shopping?Do man feel as happy as woman when shopping?How will the style of shopping change in the future?What is the role of credit card when shopping? Will credit card change the way people buy things? Does it good for young people to have a credit card? Do many young people have credit card in your city? 中国人喜欢买东西么?哪些人爱买?在商场买东西的利弊。商场比小店的东西好么?商品的质量和价格哪个重要?回收有什么好处?在中国哪些可以回收?小孩和大人存钱都为了什么?存钱重不重要?如何让大家存钱?关于shopping, 女人shopping分几种类型?人们shopping habit以后会不会改变?What is your opinion of saving money? How to save money? Do you think children should also save some money? Through what ways can they have the concept of saving money? Is there any way to restrict children's expenses? Do you think saving may be influencing in the future?

Topic13. Describe a hobby in your childhood

PART3:Who have more time, students or workers? Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work? What is the difference of their free time? What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies??

Topic14. Something you bought but seldom use

PART3:中国人都消费什么(What do Chinese people like to buy?)?商品的质量和价格哪个重要(Which one do you think is more important, price or the quality?)?在商场买东西的利弊(What are the pros and cons of shopping in the big shopping malls?)商场比小店的东西好么(Are the things sold in the shopping malls better than the commodities in the small shops?) 青年人和老人都消费什么(What are the differences between the things bought by old and young) 超市购物的好处和坏处(What are the pros and cons of shopping in the super markets?)?品牌重要吗(Is brand important?)?回收电器有什么好处(What are the benefits of retrieving the used electronic products?)?在中国哪些可以回收?

Topic15. an old thing u family kept for you

PART3:what kinds of objects family want to keep;what do u think of tradition culture’s disappearance;各个家庭有没有祖传的东西?为什么会祖传这种东西?祖传的东西有什么好处?为什么要把东西传给下一代?人们一直回忆过去好不好?博物馆里是展览照片好还是物品好;globalization对collect old things的impact;

Topic16. 上周末做了些什么

PART3:leisure time对workers or students是不是很重要呀?leisure time是不是该更长一些?双休是不是该改成三休?像医生护士酒店的工作人员是不是该工作整天?

What type of people work in the night? Is it bad or good for people who work in the night? What is your feeling when you are late? When you feel time is quite slow? Do you hope time will be quicker than before? Is weekend important for people? Do you think most people in your town work in the work hours and rest in the rest hours? What will you do in your rest time? What is the importance of holidays? Do you think students have too many holidays? Why? What is the influence of working on the week-end? What measures should the government take? Do you think we should longer the weekend?

Topic17. 你想会见的外国名人

PART3:What is bad famous, what is good famous? Do you know some ways of some body to become a famous person? How do you think the advantages and disadvantages to be a famous person? Do you think famous person could use their influence to do good things to societies? 有些人成名了有些人却没有,为什么?有些人成名很久,有些人只是红极一时?中国的名人们对国家有什么影响?怎么样的人会成名?他们对年轻人是不是产生了巨大的作用?名人怎么利用自己的名人效益去帮助别人?

Topic18. 保持健康的方式

PART3:人们通过什么途径学习到有关健康的知识?学校怎么教育学生保持健康?有没有教育学生健康饮食?政府如何提高国民的身体健康?现在有很多小孩子得了肥胖症,什么原因造成的?怎么样生活的健康呢?吃什么东西比较健康?lifestyle过去和现在有没有change?人们的diet有没有change?pace of life是不是变快了?stress是不是更大了?现在的lifestyle和diet应该怎么改变比较好? What is the difference between ways in the past and now? What is the difference between lifestyle 20 years earlier and now? What’s the function of P.E. education? What’s your father's job? What you want to do in the future? What are the jobs of people around you? 男生女生对健康问题关注不同,原因?