PART3:What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home? How does it change people's life? Compare the ancient machine and modern machine; what machines will be like in the future? Do old people like to use them as young people do? Do you think people are forced to accept that electronic machine or have a chance to refuse it? 机器与电子产品的区别;
Topic18. Describe a toy
PART3:女孩子喜欢玩什么?男孩子呢?你觉得现在儿童的玩具是否太多?What do you think about the toys now? What are the popular toys nowadays in china? Do you think it is good for the parents to buy a lot of toys for their kids? Do you think children should be taught to share their toys with other kids?
Topic19. Something you bought but seldom use
PART3:中国人都消费什么(What do Chinese people like to buy?)?商品的质量和价格哪个重要(Which one do you think is more important, price or the quality?)?在商场买东西的利弊(What are the pros and cons of shopping in the big shopping malls?)商场比小店的东西好么(Are the things sold in the shopping malls better than the commodities in the small shops?) 青年人和老人都消费什么(What are the differences between the things bought by old and young) 超市购物的好处和坏处(What are the pros and cons of shopping in the super markets?)?品牌重要吗(Is brand important?)?回收电器有什么好处(What are the benefits of retrieving the used electronic products?)?在中国哪些可以回收?
Topic20. Describe a hobby in your childhood
PART3:Who have more time, students or workers? Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work? What is the difference of their free time? What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies?
Topic21. Describe the changes in the city
PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village? Is there any new governmental policy?
Topic22. 历史景点
Topic23. 现代建筑
PART3:喜欢现代建筑还是古典的? (Do you like modern buildings or old buildings?) 博物馆存在的意义;如果为了建现代的建筑而把以前的老建筑拆掉(Do you think it is right to demolish the old buildings in order to build the new ones?);建筑的外形很重要吗(It’s the shape of building important?)新老建筑的区别?( What are the differences between the modern buildings and old buildings?)你的家乡有什么现代的建筑(What kind of modern buildings does your hometown have?)地震对新老建筑的影响是什么(What are the influences of the earthquake on old buildings?)政府在建设上花的钱会不会太多了(Do you think the government has spent too much money on construction?);现代建筑和古代建筑你更喜欢哪个?为什么?你觉得有些古代建筑需要保存吗?你觉得建立政府建筑和吸引游客的建筑重要吗?
Topic24. Describe a movie
PART3:Do Chinese people enjoy seeing films?What type of movies do Chinese people like to see?Would you like to see films in the theater or at home? Do movies have any educational effects? Are cartoons only suitable for children to watch? What are the differences between seeing movies at the theater and at home? How have the movies for children changed in the past 10 years? 相比而言,好的故事和好的演员,哪个重要?violence & sex电影对小孩来说有什么影响?电视节目内容是否该限制;
Topic25. Describe a new law
PART3:为什么有的人喜欢当警察(她说的是police officer)?你觉得为什么有的人喜欢当律师而不是警察?你觉得international law有什么作用?你觉得在未来世界各国会不会使用相同的法律,为什么?不同国家的法律有何不同?你觉得中国大多数人会遵守法律么?很多人觉得偶尔违反一下法律,一些小错误是ok的,你觉得呢? Do you think most people in China abide by the law? How successful do you think the laws are in your country? (successful in achieving the aim of the laws) Do you think it's important for people to obey laws?
Topic26. an interesting job u heard or read
PART3:Is some further discuss on that. Difficult to get a job? Which kind of employee the boss prefer? Does the school need help you to find job? What they can do
Topic27. 讲一个传统故事
PART3:传统故事要怎么发展?有什么方式让传统故事更好的发展下去?传统故事被渐渐遗忘吗?传统故事还流行吗?用什么方式流传比较好?为什么有人喜欢写书?怎样教小孩子学传统故事?小孩子都喜欢什么样的故事;有的人愿意把自己写进故事里,为什么?人们为什么不喜欢写作了? 外国故事如何影响孩子?
Topic28. 一件二手的东西
Topic29. 新闻记者
Topic30. 一个政策
Topic31. 美术馆
Topic32. a gift
PART3:people buy thing from where? Usually buy from internet in china? The quality of gift from internet? What do you think about charity? When do people send gift in china? Would people receive gift and give gift?
Topic33. Describe a day you spent away(离家的一天,也就是出门旅游或者做其他事情的一天)