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  Full name
  science 对你有什么帮助
  How to organize your time
  Where are you from
  What kind of accommodation do you live in?
  Did you go the museum when you were young?
  Where do you meet your friend?
  Where do you speak to foreigner?
  What do you usually do on weekends?
  Do you have a watch? What do you think of being on time?
  Do you like shopping?
  Where do you usually travel to? Do you enjoy long distance travel?
  What do you like to collect in your free time?
  Will you collect things that will have the potentials to be valued in the future?
  Are you working or studying? Major?
  What kind of flower do you like?
  What is your reading habit? Do you enjoy reading when you were very young?
  What kinds of natural sound do you like the best?
  Do you have your cell phone? Do you think cell phone is important?
  Do you like cooking? Do you think cook is necessary for people?
  What kind of newspaper or magazine do you like to read in your free time?
  How do you learn English?
  Do you like seeing films?
  What was the first thing you did when you entered your school?
  Which color do you like?
  Number you like
  PART 2&3
  Topic1. Describe a person with an adventurous spirit 177
  Topic2. Describe a vehicle you want to have 60
  Compare and contrast the different types of transport that exist today;Do you think it's a good thing to drive a car;What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of transport that people use;What are the advantages of society to have more people using mass transportation;
  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in center of a city and living in the suburbs of a city;
  Do you think everybody in society should pay for new roads and road maintenance or only those people who drive on the roads;
  Do people in China consider cars to be status symbols;What's your impression of advertisements for cars;
  What about 限号 in Beijing?
  Topic3. Describe a child you know 6
  Topic4. Something you did to protect the environment 172
  Topic5. Describe a successful company 179
  PART3:What makes a good school?
  What are the differences between Chinese and Foreign companies
  Some company cheat for money, how can the government control this?
  Topic6. Describe a valuable thing of your family180
  PART3:What are the actors that influence people’s buying process?
  Topic7. Describe a clothes you wear in a special occasion 142
  Topic8. Describe an educational TV program
  Topic9. Describe a friend you admire
  Topic10. 老人 18