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  Where do you come from?
  What do you like about your hometown?
  Is your hometown suitable to live for young people?
  What‘s the weather like in your hometown?
  House or flat
  Do you live in a house or a flat?
  Which part of it is your favorite?
  Would you like to make any change to it?
  Studies and future plans
  Do you work or are you a student?
  What‘s your major?
  Why did you choose that major?
  What‘s your first day like in your high school/ college?
  What would you like to do after graduation?
  What type of photo do you like?
  Do your friends like to take photos?
  Do you know how to take photos?
  Internet and computer
  When did you first use internet?
  What do you usually use /computer to do?
  What would your life be like without internet?
  How often do you use computer?
  Have you ever made any handicraft before?
  Do people in your country like to make handicrafts?
  Would you like to make any handicraft in the future?
  Do you enjoy dancing?
  Did you enjoy dancing when you were a child?
  Do you like watching people dance?
  Do you know how to dance?
  When do people in your country/hometown usually dance?
  Do you have a car?
  Do you know how to drive?
  Do you have a driving license?
  What families are usually car owners in your country?
  Do people enjoy keeping pets in China? Why?
  How about young people?
  Have you ever kept any pet before?
  Did you have any pet in your childhood?
  Do you know how to swim?
  Are you going to learn swimming in the future (if you don‘t know how to swim)?
  When did you learn to swim?
  Do you prefer to swim in a pool or in the sea?
  What are the benefits of swimming?
  TV programs
  What‘s your favorite type of TV program?
  Do children in China watch too much TV?
  Did you enjoy watching TV in your childhood?
  Mobile phone
  What do you usually use mobile phone to do?
  When did you get your first mobile phone?
  Do you think mobile phone is important?
  What problems could mobile phone have on us?
  How many languages do you speak?
  Which one is your favorite?
  What do you think is the best way to learn a language?
  What‘s the biggest difficulty in learning a language do you think?
  How long have you been studying English?
  What‘s the most difficult part of English?
  What opportunities do you get to use English?
  Do you like your name?
  Have you ever considered changing your name?
  Who usually gives names in China?
  Is there tradition about giving names?
  Does name have any special meaning in your country?
  What‘s your favorite color?
  Which kind of color do you prefer? Dark or bright color?
  What colors do Chinese people not like?
  Does color have any special meaning in Chinese culture?
  What do you think is happiness?
  Do you think happiness have a lot to do with money?
  When do you usually feel happy?
  Do you think it‘s important to be happy?
  Do you think unhappiness is always bad?
  How do people feel in a noisy place?
  What noise do you hate?
  Have you ever lived close to a noisy place?
  What would you do if the place you live/stay is too noisy?
  What‘s your favorite weather like?
  What type of weather is the most suitable for people to go to work or school?
  What‘s the weather like in your hometown?
  What‘s your favorite bird?
  Do people like birds in your country?
  Do you think it‘s important to protect birds?
  What type of food do Chinese people like?
  What‘s your favorite type of food? And in childhood?
  Do you think it‘s important to eat with your family?
  Letter & email
  How often do you write an email?
  Do you write letters?
  How do you think about writing letters and emails? What‘s the difference between them?
  What kind of email is the most difficult to write?
  Do you like to spend your birthdays with your family or with your friends?
  How do children celebrate their birthdays in your country?
  What does birthday mean to you?
  Do you like to celebrate birthdays?
  What‘s your personality like in your childhood?
  What did you like to do in your free time in childhood?
  What‘s your first school like when you were a child? Did you like it?
  What types of schools have you ever gone to?
  Which one is your favorite?
  Would you like your children to go to one of those schools in the future?
  1. Describe a practical skill you‘d like to learn/ something you’d like to learn in free time
  2. Describe a family photo
  3. Describe something expensive you‘d like to buy if you had the money
  4. Describe an outdoor activity
  5. A shop you know well
  6. A wild animal from your country/ hometown
  7. A restaurant
  8. A piece of music you‘d heard/ listened to from another country
  9. Bad weather you experienced (during one of your journeys)
  10. A wedding you attended
  11. A situation when you got a little angry
  12. A student who‘s good at studying/ a classmate you’d like to study with
  13. An advertisement
  14. Prefer to live in a house or a flat
  15. A TV program which you think has been important to you/ A TV program that taught you something
  16. An old person
  17. Describe your ideal job
  18. Two people from the same family
  19. A great (national) leader from your country
  20. A gift you‘d like to bring to one of your friends
  21. A workplace you liked/ like
  22. An interesting or unusual thing you did recently
  23. A place in the open air (an interesting place)
  24. A positive change of your life
  25. Describe a good friend
  26. A travel in your plan
  27. If you have one day off, what would you do?
  28. A person in the news you‘d like to meet
  29. A family event
  30. Something you want to succeed in doing
  31. An enjoyable conversation on the phone
  32. A sport match you took part in
  33. A Street in your hometown/ a place in your city
  34. A job that you believe can make the world a better place
  35. A book you want to read again
  36. A garden that you think is beautiful
  37. Your favorite magazine or newspaper
  38. A neighbor
  39. A foreign film
  40. A character in a traditional story
  41. A song that reminds you of a special period
  42. The good part of your personality