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  (e) Must not damage or destroy any Library property;

  (f) Comply with all notices or signs in a Library or on the Library's website from time to time, including those about:

  (i) Use, borrowing or reservation of Library Resources;

  (ii) Payment of fees, charges and fines;

  (iii) Opening and closing times;

  (iv) Copyright (especially in relation to photocopying) and other laws, such as data protection and privacy

  (v) Use of mobile phones and other electronic devices;

  (vi) Eating or drinking in or around a Library;

  (vii) Occupational health and safety (including smoking and emergency evacuation procedures).

  (g) Are expected to make reasonable attempts to familiarise themselves with and must, in any case, comply with:

  (i) Laws relating to use of internet and other on-line or networked resources, including copyright and other intellectual property rights, defamation, pornography and data protection;

  (ii) This Rule and any other conditions imposed by the University about access to or use of Library Resources;

  (h) Must not use any Library Resources for:

  (i) any commercial use; or

  (ii) in a way which interferes or is inconsistent with the educational and research activities of the University.